Doua moduri pentru a determina data de instalare a Sistemului de Operare Windows
Add account da eroare RunDll32 in Outlook 2013
Incercam sa adaugam in Outlook 2013 un cont de tip Office 365 Online si primim eroarea:
“Windows host process (Rundll32) has stopped working
A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.”
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Incercam sa printam un document si nu reusim
[mai mult...]Eroare la configurarea unei adrese IP
Incercam sa setam o adresa IP si primim mesajul de eroare de mai jos:
“The IP address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX you have entered for this network adapter is already assigned to another adapter Name of adapter. Name of adapter is hidden from the network and Dial-up Connections folder because it is not physically in the computer or is a legacy adapter that is not working. If the same address is assigned to both adapters and they become active, only one of them will use this address. This may result in incorrect system configuration. Do you want to enter a different IP address for this adapter in the list of IP addresses in the advanced dialog box?”
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Dorim ca MS Word sa porneasca implicit cu o pagina Template creata de noi
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Configurare Router ZTE 3G CPE ca AP
Avem un Router ZTE 3G CPE si dorim sa-l folosim ca Acces Point in reteaua noastra, fara a utiliza cartela 3G.
[mai mult...]