What is a “Megatransfer”and why is RAM now rated this way?

  • RAM used to be rated in MHz based on clock cycles, but now uses MT/s for data transfer.
  • MT/s gives a theoretical max data transfer, not a direct correlation to MHz.
  • Rating RAM in Mbps might provide a clearer picture of actual data movement compared to MT/s.

You may have noticed that some computer specifications now list RAM speeds in terms of MT/s or “Megatransfers per second” instead of the traditional Megahertz.

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What is a CPU, and what does it do?

The CPU (central processing unit) is the brain of your computer, processing instructions from programs and components.

  • Modern CPUs use billions of microscopic transistors to interpret binary signals, enabling complex tasks at high speeds.
  • Your CPU connects with other PC components through sockets and buses.

The most important part of your computer, if you had to choose just one, would be the central processing unit (CPU). It’s the primary hub (or “brain”), and it processes the instructions that come from programs, the operating system, or other components in your PC.

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Notepad++ Now lets you pin your tabs

Notepad++ version 8.7.2 has just been released. One important new feature is the Pin Tab feature option, which works a lot like pinned tabs in most web browsers.

The Pin Tab feature brings tabs to the farthest left, where they are easily accessible. It does not make the tab any smaller to stand out and doesn’t stop you from accidentally closing it. The feature only adds a pin icon to the tab to differentiate it from other tabs and changes the position. This feature is turned on by default, but users can turn it off in the Preferences menu.

Notepad++ Pinned Tab close up

The close and pin buttons on inactive unpinned tabs are hidden, and pinned tabs only show the pin button. Inactive tabs darken when users hover over them with their mouse, showing the pin and the close tab button to give some visual feedback to the user.

This is a step in the right direction, but it is not as good as a pinned tab in Google Chrome. For example, pinned tabs in Chrome get smaller, so users can see the difference between pinned tabs and unpinned tabs. Notepad++ does not, so a tab with a big title stands out anyway. The major difference between pinned and unpinned tabs is that users keep pins on the left and unpinned on the right. So pinning tabs just feels like a faster way to move tabs to the left.

The update also fixes some problems that users have reported, including a bug that prevented people from using the Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut to copy text from search results. Additionally, a new feature lets users minimize the application or close it to the system tray, giving users better control over how they manage the application’s window.

You can download Notepad++ from the official website for x86 (both 32-bit and 64-bit) and ARM Windows PCs. The update should be a notification for all existing users within the next few days.

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Cum setați o limită de date pe Android

Dacă aveți un plan de date limitat poate fi stresant să vă asigurați că nu utilizați prea multe date. Din fericire, există mai multe moduri în care telefonul Android vă poate ajuta să fiți mai atenți la utilizarea datelor și să evitați orice taxe de date în afara planului.

În continuare, să setăm limita în care datele vor fi dezactivate automat. Găsiți “Setați limita de date” și dați-i limita de date în megaocteți sau gigaocteți. Unele telefoane vă permit să configurați data lunii în care se resetează limita de date.

Datele mobile se vor opri automat după acest punct. Chiar dacă încercați să-l activați și să-l dezactivați, nu va funcționa. Pentru a restabili accesul la date, va trebui să reveniți și să modificați limita de date setată.

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How to add a Drop-Down list to a Cell in Excel

  • Drop-down lists in Excel make data entry easier and more efficient by allowing users to select pre-determined values from a list of options.
  • To add a drop-down list in Excel, use the Data Validation feature and name the range of cells containing the options. Then, enter the name of the cell range in the Source box of the Data Validation dialog box.
  • You can customize the behavior of the drop-down list by checking or unchecking options like “Ignore blank” or adding an input message. To remove the drop-down list, open the Data Validation dialog box and click the “Clear All” button.

Drop-down lists are very useful data entry tools we see just about everywhere, and you can add custom drop-down lists to your own Excel worksheets.

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How to Automate Tasks with IFTTT on Android

You can get IFTTT to mute your phone automatically when you reach your workplace. This is done by setting your office location as the trigger and muting the phone as the action.

  • To do that, in IFTTT, tap “Create.” Choose “Add” next to If This. Select “Location,” tap “You Enter an Area,” and specify your office’s location. Your phone will go into mute mode when you’re in this area.
  • Tap “Add” next to Then That. Select “Android Device,” tap “Mute Ringone,” select if you want your phone to vibrate, and choose “Continue.”
  • Tap “Continue” followed by “Finish” to finish creating the task (called an applet). Note that you’ll have to manually disable silent mode when you’re outside of the office location.
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