Aplicațiile unui ChatBot AI în viața reală

Un Chatbot de tip ChatGPT este un model avansat de inteligență artificială capabil să înțeleagă și să genereze text într-un mod similar cu cel natural al omului. Face parte din categoria Inteligenței Artificiale conversaționale, ceea ce înseamnă că este specializat în interacțiunea prin limbaj natural. Dar unde putem profita de un astfel de model în viata reala, în activitățile de zi cu zi?

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Document’s page setup: pages or pageless in Google Docs

In Google Docs, you have two main options for formatting your document:

1. Pages Format:

  • Structure: Organize your document with traditional pages and page breaks.
  • Customization: Include elements like headers, footers, and page numbers.
  • Adjustments: Modify settings such as page orientation and margin size.2

2. Pageless Format:

  • Continuous Scroll: Create a document that scrolls seamlessly without page breaks.
  • Responsive: Images and text dynamically adjust to fit your screen size.
  • Wide Tables: Easily create and view wide tables by scrolling horizontally.
  • Flexible Text: Line breaks adapt as you zoom in and out.

To change whether a document has pages or is pageless:

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Secure your Apple Account

Add Account Recovery Contacts:  Ensure you never get locked out of your account by adding family members or trusted people as Account Recovery Contacts. They’ll help you regain access if you ever need it.

Set Up Legacy Contacts: Through the Digital Legacy program, you can designate Legacy Contacts who can access your account and personal information if something ever happens to you.

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