Cum se introduce și se personalizează o semnătură în Microsoft Excel

Aveți o foaie Microsoft Excel pe care aveți nevoie ca cineva să o verifice, să o confirme sau să o accepte. Vom vedea cum să adăugați și să personalizați o linie de semnătură în foaia dvs. de calcul Microsoft Excel.

Ne gândim mai ales la linii de semnătură în termeni de contracte, documente legale și acorduri imobiliare. Puteți crea aceste tipuri de documente și puteți solicita semnături folosind Microsoft Word. Dar cu utilitatea Excel pentru urmărirea finanțelor companiei, a foilor de timp ale angajaților, a jurnalelor și altele, este posibil să aveți nevoie de o semnătură și într-o foaie de calcul.

  • Deschideți registrul de lucru Microsoft Excel pe Windows 10, precum și foaia pe care doriți să o utilizați. Începând cu această scriere, obiectul Signature Line nu este disponibil în Microsoft Excel online sau pentru Mac.
  • Accesați fila Inserare și în partea dreaptă a panglicii, dați click pe „Text”. În caseta derulantă, alegeți „Linie semnătură”, apoi „Linie semnătură Microsoft Office”.
  • Se va deschide o fereastră de personalizare pentru a configura linia de semnătură în funcție de preferință. Deși fiecare articol este opțional, este posibil să găsiți unul sau mai multe benefice pentru documentul care necesită semnătura.

Semnatar sugerat: introduceți numele persoanei care va semna documentul.
Titlul semnatarului sugerat: introduceți titlul sau poziția persoanei pe care așteptați să o semnați.
Adresa de e-mail a semnatarului sugerat: introduceți adresa de e-mail a semnatarului.
Instrucțiuni către semnatar: dacă aveți instrucțiuni speciale, le puteți introduce aici. De asemenea, puteți include detalii pentru verificarea informațiilor, confidențialitate sau ceva similar.
Permiteți semnatarului să adauge comentarii în caseta de dialog Semnare: bifați caseta pentru a include această opțiune dacă doriți să permiteți notițe sau le puteți cere să lase câteva în zona Instrucțiuni către semnatar.
Afișați data semnării în linia de semnătură: este obișnuit să includeți data la care semnați un document, deci ar trebui să luați în considerare bifarea casetei pentru a include acest lucru.

Când terminați de ajustat aceste elemente, faceți clic pe „OK” pentru a insera linia de semnătură. Puteți muta apoi linia de semnătură trăgând caseta de închidere sau o puteți redimensiona glisând o margine sau un colț.

Dacă doriți să editați elementele de configurare a semnăturii enumerate mai sus după ce ați inserat linia de semnătură, acest lucru este ușor. Faceți clic dreapta pe caseta liniei de semnătură din foaie și alegeți „Configurare semnătură”.

Acum că aveți linia de semnătură în foaia dvs. Microsoft Excel, puteți salva registrul de lucru. Partajați-o sau imprimați-o pentru a obține semnătura.

OBS! Dacă tipăriți foaia, elemente precum instrucțiunile către semnatar nu vor fi afișate. Acestea (împreună cu data la care îl semnează) sunt vizibile atunci când destinatarul semnează digital documentul.

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Steps to Delete an Account From ProtonMail

Before You Delete Your Account

There are many reasons that you might want to delete your account, but if you’re doing it to re-register your username, be aware that ProtonMail does not allow this.

ProtonMail’s support explains:

“We do not recycle usernames, which means the same username will not be available in the future … you cannot delete your username in order to recreate it with a different domain ( or Once an account is created, the domain cannot be changed.”

The only way to switch ProtonMail domains (e.g. from to is to purchase a premium plan and add the corresponding address as an alias.

You can merge ProtonMail accounts, but you will lose all data associated with secondary accounts when completing the process. You will need to have a paid ProtonMail Plus subscription and contact ProtonMail support from each of the accounts you would like to merge.

You can start the account merging process by contacting ProtonMail via the support form.

How to Delete Your ProtonMail Account

To delete your ProtonMail account permanently, first, log in with your username and password, then click on the Settings tab at the top of the screen. You’ll arrive on the “Account” tab in the sidebar to the left of the screen. Scroll all the way down to the Delete Account section and click the “Delete your account” button.

A window will pop up with a text field to explain why you are leaving, a field for an email address that you can leave in case ProtonMail needs to contact you, and a password field to verify your decision. When you’re ready to pull the plug, hit the “Delete” button. According to ProtonMail support, account deletion can take up to two weeks.

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How to Quickly Turn a File Into a Tab in Microsoft Teams

Collaborating on files with your colleagues is one of Microsoft Teams’ biggest selling points, but finding the right file can be a chore. Here’s how to turn a file into a tab with the click of a single button.

If you’re repeatedly opening a file in Teams, adding it as a tab is much quicker than going into the “Files” tab and looking for it. Adding a tab in a Microsoft Teams channel to show an app or a file is pretty easy, although there are a number of steps.

  • Open the Microsoft Teams desktop client and click the “Files” tab that contains the file you want to turn into a tab. Next, select the file using the circle on the left-hand side and click “Make This a Tab.”

The "Make this a tab" toolbar command.

  • A tab will be created immediately. When you select it, it will open your file, ready for everyone to collaborate on.

The new file tab.

  • Once you’ve finished collaborating, you can get rid of the tab just like any other tab. It’s as easy as clicking the arrow next to the file’s tab, then selecting “Remove.”

The "Remove"menu command.

This won’t delete the file. It will just remove the tab.

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How to Use Breakout Rooms in a Zoom Meeting

Zoom meetings can very easily feel overwhelming when there are a lot of people involved. A feature called “Breakout Rooms” can help large groups by allowing people to break off into smaller groups. It’s a handy trick to know.

“Breakout Rooms” are similar in concept to working in groups in a real-life office or classroom. People can break off from the main meeting into smaller groups for discussion, then seamlessly join back up with everyone afterward—no need to manage a bunch of separate Zoom calls.

How to Enable Breakout Rooms in Zoom

Before we can use Breakout Rooms in a meeting, you’ll have to enable the feature for your account. This is only necessary if you’ll be hosting the meeting.

  • First, sign in to the Zoom website in a web browser such as Google Chrome and select “Settings” on your account page.

sign in and select settings

Scroll down to the “In Meeting (Advanced)” section and toggle on the switch for “Breakout Room.”

toggle on breakout room

While you’re here, enable “Allow host to assign participants to breakout rooms when scheduling” as well.

schedule breakout rooms

Select “Save,” and we’re ready to use Breakout Rooms in a meeting.

How to Use Breakout Rooms in Zoom
  • Now that we’ve enabled the feature, you’ll see a “Breakout Rooms” button on the toolbar. Click it.

breakout rooms button

A pop-up will appear with the Breakout Room options. You can choose the number of rooms and how participants will be divided into them.

  • Assign Automatically: Zoom will randomly put people in rooms.
  • Assign Manually: You choose who goes in which room.
  • Let Participants Choose Rooms: Self-explanatory.

Make your choices and click “Create.”

set up breakout rooms

If you’re assigning people to rooms manually, the next screen will show the list of rooms. Click “Assign” for each room and select the people you want in each.

assign people to rooms

Next, click “Options” for some additional settings. You can put a time length on the Breakout Rooms sessions and choose a countdown in order to give people time to wrap up before you close the rooms.

breakout rooms options

Once you’re done, click “Open All Rooms.” People will be put into the rooms in whatever way you decided. They will be prompted to accept joining a room or to select a room on their own.

open all rooms

While the Breakout Rooms are happening, you can click the toolbar’s button to bring up the menu. From here, you can “Broadcast Message to All.”

broadcast a message to the rooms

Enter a message and click “Broadcast.” The message will appear on the screen for all participants.

broadcast a message

When you’re ready to end the Breakout Rooms, click “Close All Rooms” from this same menu.

close the breakout rooms

That’s all there is to it. Zoom will save your settings and room assignments, so if you want to break out again during the same meeting, you won’t have to set it all up again. This is a convenient feature to know about if you organize a lot of large meetings.

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How to Open Multiple Websites with a Shortcut on Windows 10

Windows 10's original dark and updated light desktop background

If you open multiple websites regularly, you can create a shortcut in Windows 10 to open all those sites in a single click (or a double-click). This trick uses Windows 10’s batch-scripting capabilities, but there’s also a pretty easy way to do it in any web browser.

Create a Shortcut to Open Multiple Sites at Once on Windows 10

To open several sites at once in your browser, you need to create a shortcut file for these sites on your PC. Basically, you create a file, add all your sites to this file, and run the file when you want to launch your sites. This is a batch script file that makes it possible to open multiple URLs in a single click. You can create this file using the built-in Notepad app on your PC. You can use the same app to edit the file when you need to add or remove URLs from it.

To begin, open the “Start” menu, search for “Notepad,” then click the app in the results.

Open Notepad

Copy the following code and paste it into your new Notepad document:

@echo off

Add site URLs

The code above opens three sites, as you can see for yourself. Windows 10 will use your default web browser. You need to replace these URLs with the sites that you want to open on your PC. You’re free to add as many URLs to the code as you want. Just put each on its own line, and make sure to add the word “start” and a space before each URL.

When you’ve specified your site URLs, click File > Save As in Notepad to save your file. Select a location in which to save your file. You should prefer the desktop, as this makes launching the shortcut easier and faster than in any other location.

Then, enter a name for your shortcut in the “File name” field and append “.bat” at the end of the name. So, if you want to call your file “LaunchAllSites”, you’d type “LaunchAllSites.bat”. Then, select “All Files” from the “Save as type” dropdown menu and click “Save.”

Enter shortcut details

Your website shortcut is now ready to be used. To use it, double-click your shortcut, and all your specified sites will launch in your default web browser. You’ll see a Command Prompt window for a brief moment, but it’ll immediately go away, allowing you to focus on your sites. You can create multiple shortcuts like this to open different kinds of sites on your Windows 10 PC.

How to Edit the Sites List in the Shortcut

Your newly created shortcut is editable, and you can add and remove sites from it whenever you want. Use a text editor like Notepad to change the contents of your batch script. To add or remove sites from your shortcut, right-click your shortcut and select “Edit.”

Edit sites shortcut

Your shortcut will open in Notepad, and you can now add and remove URLs from it. When you’re done, make sure to click File > Save to save your changes.

How to Change the Browser That Your Sites Open in

All the links in your batch file open in the default browser on your Windows 10 PC. If you want to open your links in another browser, simply set that browser as the default on your computer. To do this, open the “Start” menu, search for “Settings,” and open the app. You can also press Windows+i to open Settings.

Open Settings on Windows 10

In Settings, click “Apps,” then choose “Default apps” on the left.

Access default apps in Settings

  • Click your current browser under “Web browser” on the right, then choose a new browser to set it as the default.

Set the default browser on Windows 10

Your links should now open in your newly selected browser.

How to Open Multiple Sites at Once within Your Browsers

If you prefer, you can open multiple websites at once from within your browsers. To do this, you need to have all your sites added to a bookmarks folder. To open all your sites within a bookmarks folder in Chrome, open “Chrome,” right-click your bookmarks folder, and click “Open all (X).” “X” is the number of sites you have in your bookmarks folder.

Open multiple sites at once in Chrome

If you use Firefox, you can do this by right-clicking your bookmarks folder and selecting “Open All in Tabs.” This opens all your sites within your bookmarks folder.

Open multiple sites at once in Firefox

All your sites will open in their own tabs in your browser.

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How to Check if Your Android Device Is Certified

google play protect logo

Android devices vary wildly in features, and the operating system itself can look drastically different depending on the manufacturer. Despite all that variance, there is some important consistency for security’s sake. We’ll show you how to check whether your Android device is certified.

First of all, what does it mean to have a “certified” Android phone or tablet? Google has a list of requirements that must be met in order for a device to pass a compatibility test. Manufacturers submit devices, and if they pass the test, they are certified.

This compatibility test is meant to ensure consistency across Android phones and tablets. These devices get access to the Google Play Store and Google Play Protect, which is a safety check for any apps and games you have. An uncertified device may not get the latest security updates, and there’s no way to verify that the apps installed on it are authentic. Some Google apps are also banned from working on uncertified Android devices.

The vast majority of Android phones and tablets are certified. It’s not something that the average Android user needs to worry about. The most common thing that can cause a device to become uncertified is rooting or using a custom ROM. Regardless, you may want to find out whether your device is certified or not. Thankfully, it’s very easy to check.

First, open the Google Play Store on your Android phone or tablet. Next, tap the hamburger menu icon in the top-left corner to open the sidebar menu.

tap the menu icon

Select “Settings” from the menu.

select settings

Scroll down to the “About” section. Under “Play Protect Certification,” it will say whether your device is certified or uncertified.

certification listing

That’s it! If you find that your device is uncertified and you haven’t modified it, you can check Google’s list of supported Android devices to see whether yours is included.

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Do VPN Companies Track Your Browsing Data?

An illustration of a smartphone and laptop connected to a VPN.

People use VPNs to protect their privacy from hackers, ISPs, and data thieves. But do VPNs themselves collect your browsing data and sell it to third parties? Here’s what you need to know.Here’s the main point: You’re placing an immense amount of trust in the VPN provider you use. Choose carefully! Do you trust your VPN provider more than your internet service provider?

VPNs Can Track You, and They Might

The main selling point of using Virtual Private Networks, or VPNs, is to protect your privacy. They prevent attacks from malicious hackers, stop your internet service provider (ISP) from peeking at your traffic, and mask your information to websites that may collect your personal data. While these claims are generally true, there is one party that you should still be cautious about: the VPN companies themselves.

Before we get into how a VPN may track your browsing data, we’ll explain how a VPN works. A VPN essentially routes your internet connection, provided by your ISP, through a secure, encrypted network powered by the VPN. This changes the IP address that websites can see while simultaneously obscuring your ISP’s ability to see your traffic. These encrypted networks can simulate different IP addresses and locations, which is how you can trick a streaming service like Netflix into thinking you’re in a different country.

In this process, your traffic is passing through a third party, the VPN company’s server. A VPN company may log all the traffic passing through their system, which essentially gives them a full picture of a user’s online browsing behavior. While most reputable VPNs do not spy on their users and have no incentive to do so, it can happen, and there are several examples of this happening.

VPN Spying Incidents

The most high-profile incident of a VPN spying on its users came to light in 2018, with a controversy surrounding the Facebook-owned Onavo Protect app. Facebook released a VPN that claimed to protect and encrypt user traffic. Still, in reality, it was collecting sensitive information from users, such as websites they browsed and apps they opened on their devices. While Facebook did disclose that the app would forward information to Facebook, people that did not read the fine print may not have noticed.

Facebook would then funnel this data into the Facebook Research program, which powered Facebook ad sales and business development initiatives. It would also give Facebook insight into how users browsed competing apps, like Snapchat. You can read more on what happened in our piece on Onavo Protect.

Besides that, dozens of free VPNs were found to be spying on their users. A piece from Buzzfeed News reported that Sensor Analytics, an analytics platform used by investors and developers, owned multiple free VPN apps that collected user information without their knowledge. These apps had millions of downloads and did not explicitly state who they were owned by. The company would then migrate this browsing data into their analytics platform.

You should be especially cautious of VPNs that are free and do not seem to have a paid version or clear business model. There is a chance that these apps make a profit by harvesting user data and selling them to third parties.

No-Logging Policies & VPNs

So should you use a VPN? If you do your research and select a paid VPN with a good reputation, then the chances are low that your VPN is spying on you.

The best way to avoid incidents like these is to look for VPNs with no-logging policies. These policies are an assurance that these companies will not log user traffic at all. Many top paid VPNs such as NordVPN, ExpressVPN, and Mozilla VPN, have explicit no-logging policies on their websites and inside their apps. Having these on their websites means that they could be held liable if they break their policies.

Before you sign up for a VPN, make sure that you meticulously check its website and read some trustworthy reviews first. Here are some of the questions you should ask before you sign up for even a free trial:

  • Does the VPN have trustworthy ownership?
  • Does it offer paid plans?
  • Does the VPN have many trustworthy user reviews?
  • Is the VPN verified by trustworthy third parties?
  • Does the VPN have an explicit no-logging policy on its website?
Securing Your Privacy

Protecting your privacy does not end with owning a VPN. There are plenty of ways that you can expose yourself if you aren’t careful. Even something as simple as using identical passwords across different websites can compromise your security.

And if you sign in to websites, you can be tracked by that site even if you’re using a VPN. If you’re signed in to Google with and you switch on a VPN—well, Google still knows that you are Cookies on your browser stores can also identify you to websites, even after you connect to a VPN.

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How to Remove Profile Photos From Your Slack DMs

In 2020, Slack added profile pictures to the list of users in your Direct Messages. If you’re not a fan, there’s a switch that toggles DM profile pictures on or off. Here’s how to remove people’s avatars from your direct message list.

Before Slack added profile pictures to the list of users in your DMs, the list just showed names and a circle that indicated whether the user was online. (If the circle is empty, the user is offline, if the circle is full, they’re online, and if there is a “z” in the circle, they have notifications turned off.)

A list of users without profile pictures.

After Slack added profile pictures, the list became more colorful, but it was a lot more difficult to see at a glance the status of those you were communicating with.

A list of users with profile pictures.

Thankfully, Slack has a toggle hidden in the communication service’s settings that lets you turn the avatars on or off. Start by opening the Slack client on your Windows 10 PC or Mac. (The setting isn’t available on the mobile for Android, iPhone, or iPad.) With the client open, click on your profile picture in the top-right corner of Slack, then select “Preferences.”

The "Preferences" option on the user menu.

Click the “Sidebar” option on the left and uncheck the “Show profile photos next to DMs” checkbox.

The "Show profile photos next to DMs" option in the Preferences panel.

That’s all there is to it. Close the preferences panel and your DMs will be refreshingly photo-free again. Repeat these steps if you ever want to re-enable profile pictures in your Slack DMs.

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How to See an iPhone App’s Privacy Details Before Installing It

Starting in December 2020, the iPhone app store now provides “App Privacy” labels on all of its App Store listings. Using this information, you can make an informed decision about how apps track you and respect your privacy before downloading an app. Here’s how.

  • Why Apple’s Sudden Focus on Privacy?

With the launch of iOS 14 last year, Apple recently began putting a stronger public focus on privacy issues in smartphones and the apps that run on them. It’s a way for Apple to differentiate itself from its competitors, and if done well, Apple’s privacy safeguards can benefit its customers.

Until recently, the ways iPhone and iPad apps could track you or use your personal data wasn’t entirely transparent to the user. Apple has set out to change that with new App Store labels that represent a sort of “Nutritional Label” for digital privacy. At a glance, you are now able to see the privacy performance of each app and decide whether it fits your personal comfort level.

  • How to Check an App’s Privacy Label on the iPhone App Store

First, open the App Store on your iPhone. While browsing the App Store, locate the entry for the app whose privacy you’d like to check and tap it. In the app’s detailed listing, scroll down until you see the “App Privacy” section.

In the iPhone App Store, locate the "App Privacy" section in the app listing.

Under “App Privacy,” you’ll see a summary of privacy information that the app’s developer reported to Apple. Here are the three main sections and what they mean:

  • Data Used to Track You: Information used to track you across apps and websites owned by companies other than Apple. This helps advertisers build a profile based on your online behavior so that they can show you personalized advertising.
  • Data Linked to You: Information collected and linked to your personal identity. For example, Facebook knows your name, and certain information it collects is always linked to your name in its database.
  • Data Not Linked to You: Information collected but not linked to your identity. In other words, the data is collected but is not stored in a way that would link it with you personally.

Each app uses data in different ways, so you might not see some of these sections on some apps. For example, the Facebook app page does not include a “Data Not Linked to You” section, but for Signal, that is the only section applicable. To get more details on any of these sections, tap the “See Details” button located just beside the “App Privacy” header.

On the iTunes App Store, tap "See Details" to see more details about the app's privacy information.

After tapping, you’ll see a detailed page that lists data collected in those three potential categories (although not all three apply to all apps). In some cases, this detailed page will further break it down into subcategories, such as “Third-Party Advertising” and “Developer’s Advertising or Marketing.”

An example of the App Privacy details page in the iPhone App Store.

The list of possible data points is too long to explore completely here, but it’s impressive how detailed the privacy details screen can be. For an extreme example, check out the Facebook app’s App Privacy details page, and you’ll be scrolling for six or seven screen lengths.

  • What If I Don’t Like the Way an App Uses My Data?

If you find yourself reviewing the App Privacy information on the App Store and not liking what you see, you could do a few things. The first option is to not install the app. There may be an alternative on the app store that respects your privacy better (for example, using Signal instead of WhatsApp).

The second option is to politely ask the developer to create a less privacy-invasive version of its app or service, but the odds are generally long against that one. Over time, we can potentially hope that Apple’s new privacy labels will apply general pressure on the app industry to be more mindful about what information it collects as well as how that information gets used. Until then, at least we have Apple’s new App Privacy section in our arsenal. As the old saying goes, knowledge is power.

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How to Split Data Into Multiple Columns in Excel

If you start an Excel workbook by grouping data into the same cell and later decide to ungroup it, Excel has several easy functions that can split one spreadsheet column into two. Here’s how to use both “Text to Columns” and “Flash Fill.”

How to Use “Text to Columns” in Excel

Select the cells you want to split by clicking the first cell and dragging down to the last cell in the column. In our example, we’ll split the first and last names listed in column A into two different columns, column B (last name) and column C (first name.)

Click the “Data” tab at the top of the Excel Ribbon.

data tab

Click the “Text to Columns” button in the Data Tools section.

In the Convert Text to Columns Wizard, select “Delimited” and then click “Next.” Delimited works great in our example, as the names are separated by commas. If the names were separated only by a space, you could select “Fixed width” instead.


Check both the “Comma” and “Space” delimiters and then the “Next” button. Delimiters are simply how the data is separated. In this case, we’re using comma and space because each cell in column A has a comma and a space separating the two. You can use any delimiter that fits your data set.

comma and space

Next, we’re going to click the cell where we want to start adding the data—in this case B2—and click “Finish.” This will add the first and last names to their respective columns. We could do this differently—for example, adding first names to column B and last names to column C. To do so, we’d highlight the first names in the wizard (notice the black highlight in the screenshot that signifies the active column) and then click the appropriate cell.

click cell

You may notice a chime and then an inability to select the cell you want to move the data into. If this happens, just click inside the “Destination” area within the wizard or add the information manually into the Destination field.

destination box

How to Use “Flash Fill” in Excel

If you only have a few names, and you don’t want to mess with the Text to Columns Wizard, you can use Flash Fill instead. This, in essence, is a smarter way to copy and paste the data into new cells. Click inside the first cell of the appropriate column—the one named “First, in our example—and type in the first name of the first person in your dataset.

add first name

Hit “Enter” on the keyboard to move to the next cell down. From the “Home” tab on the ribbon, click “Editing” and then “Flash Fill.” Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+E on your keyboard.

Flash Fill will try to figure out what you’re trying to accomplish—adding only the first names in this example—and paste the results into the appropriate cells.

flash fill

Second, click inside the first cell of the Last column and type in the last name of the appropriate person, and hit “Enter” on the keyboard.

  • From the “Home” tab, click “Editing” and then “Flash Fill.” Or, use the Ctrl + E keyboard shortcut.
  • Once again, Flash Fill will attempt to figure out the data you want to fill into the column.

flash fill

If Flash Fill doesn’t work properly, there’s always Undo (Ctrl+Z).

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