Configuring a USB mouse/peripheral with proprietary software without direct installation of its software

For various reasons we may find ourselves in a situation where we do not want to install the proprietary software provided by the manufacturers of the USB devices in use, since usually these can negatively impact the behavior of the operating system or cannot be completely uninstalled. Fortunately VMWare comes to our aid with a solution, as their application can “forward” complete control over a USB device to the guest machine so that we can configure it.

To implement the solution we will assume that we have a virtual machine with windows already installed.

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Interogarea si compunerea informatiilor din winver folosind windows powershell

Instrumentul winver ne arata licenta de windows folosita, versiunea sistemului de operare impreuna cu utilizatorul si organizatia catre care a fost licentiat produsul; daca dorim sa preluam aceste informatii in format text (deoarece nu se pot copia informatiile din fereastra generata de winver), putem utiliza powershell (ca administrator) in acest sens.

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Cursor not working in certain areas of the screen in fullscreen applications

After making certain types of changes (such as resolution changes that involve a prompt from Windows to correct the scaling factor) we will notice that a Windows restart is necessary to fix the cursor’s behaviour. Even in fullscreen applications, when it leaves a certain perimeter, it loses focus and becomes unusable until it returns to said perimeter. The behavior is due to bugs in the procedure for completely returning the OS to the scaling factor in use before applying the changes.

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Asteptari asupra numarului de PCI Express lanes raportat la porturile populate pe placile de baza AMD/Intel X64 cu chipseturi din clasa consumer

Dorim sa evitam reducerea semnificativa a performantelor datorate utilizarii necorespunzatoare a latimii de banda disponibile pe porturile PCI Express de pe placile de baza cu chipseturi din gama consumer (non-enterprise)  – in acest scop este esential sa verificam impartirea lane-urilor PCI-Express la fiecare placa de baza in parte.

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