The situation may require the diagnosis of an unexpected behavior – in addition to using the appropriate tools, it is also important to perform monitoring at an appropriate time scale in order to avoid missing short-term behaviors.
[mai mult...]Another way to periodically view the current progress of bitlocker encryption
Although we have multiple means of tracking the Bitlocker encryption status, such as the progress bar that appears by default, or using the manage-bde-status command, we may note that the latter requires periodic use to find out the encryption percentage. A solution is to use a for loop with timeout in cmd.
[mai mult...]Free download of previous versions of Futuremark products
For various reasons, we may want to employ the well-known 3DMark or PCMark applications even if their versions are not updated; however they have guaranteed support for outdated platforms as well as the ability to configure test scenarios in an advanced way.
[mai mult...]Checking components’ performance using Passmark PerformanceTest
Even now we can still observe significant performance differences between systems having “apparently” similar components; an example of a tool that can help us determine the reasons for these differences is the “benchmarking” application (measuring work speed in predetermined tasks and generating a score based on it) offered by Passmark, PerformanceTest.
[mai mult...]Identificarea porturilor USB problematice folosind USB Treeview
Din motive legate de proiectarea perifericelor USB ori limitari impuse de catre componentele ce implementeaza conexiuni USB pe placa de baza vom intampina intreruperi sau disfunctionalitati pe anumite dispozitive.
De obicei acestea nu pot fi remediate din setarile UEFI/BIOS ori ale sistemului de operare (si nici prin actualizari). Daca nu se doreste identificarea unui port USB testandu-le pe toate, putem utiliza aplicatia USB treeview pentru a grabi procesul semnificativ.
[mai mult...]Dezactivarea functionalitatii IPv6 pe toate placile de retea (Windows)
In anumite situatii vom avea nevoie sa dezactivam din functionalitatile accesibile in meniul Properties al unui dispozitiv tip Network Adapter.
[mai mult...]An alternative for configuring Logitech mice without installing the G HUB application
Logitech have released a portable tool for configuring most mice (from their gaming range) called Onboard Memory Manager. This can be obtained from the Support or Downloads page for relatively recent products, from the G102/203 models up to the G502x. Although it has most of the facilities present in G HUB, firmware updates cannot be done with OMM.
[mai mult...]Masurarea impactului valorilor setarilor secundare ale unui monitor IPS asupra consumului electric
Aceasta este o continuare a investigatiei efectuate asupra setarilor principale ale unui monitor IPS. De aceasta data vom investiga impactul setarilor secundare, mai precis Sharpness, Gain(RGB – 3 axe), Offset(RGB – 3 axe), Saturation (RGBCMY – 6 axe), Response time si Black boost.
[mai mult...]Masurarea impactului valorilor setarilor principale ale unui monitor IPS asupra consumului electric
In anumite situatii se poate dori utilizarea dispozitivelor in mod eficient din punct de vedere electric; in continuare vom vedea daca aceasta abordare se poate aplica unui monitor 1080p de 280hz operand la 240hz de 25 inch.
[mai mult...]Graphics processing unit (GPU) stress testing without third party applications
An example of a useful tool in diagnosing hardware and stability problems is the (thermal) load stress of the device’s components. This is a continuation of the article “Processor(CPU) stress testing without third party applications“, but applies to the graphics processor or GPU, along with a replacement for one of the previously proposed methods.
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