Avem eroarea: The description for Event ID ‘1073742825’ in Source ‘BugCheck’ cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display the message, or you may not have permission to access them. The following information is part of the event: STOP: 0x0000009F (*** STOP: 0x0000009f (0x0000000000000003, 0xfffffa800589ba10, 0xfffff80000b9c3d8, 0xfffffa800a898700) *** ntoskrnl.exe – Address 0xfffff80002abfb80 base at 0xfffff80002a4a000 DateStamp 0x51fb06cd”
[mai mult...]Dezactivare “PepperFlash” plugin in Chrome
Ultimile update-uri ale browser-ului Google Chrome, folosesc pluginul “PepperFlash” in locul “Adobe Flash”
Foarte multe aplicatii nu functioneaza cu “PepperFlash”.
Cum il dezactivam?
[mai mult...]Cum gestionam avertismentele site-urilor nesigure
Gestionare avertismente pentru site-urile nesigure in Google Chrome
[mai mult...]ESENT – database corupt
Avem eroarea: svchost (3596) SRUJet: Database C:WINDOWSsystem32SRUSRUDB.dat: Index UserIdTimeStamp of table {D10CA2FE-6FCF-4F6D-848E-B2E99266FA89} is corrupted (0).
[mai mult...]Event ID 1008 – Perflib Error
Avem eroarea: The description for Event ID ‘-1073740807’ in Source ‘Perflib’ cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display the message, or you may not have permission to access them. The following information is part of the event:’ASP.NET_64_2.0.50727′
[mai mult...]Generator Parole
Cum sa generezi un anumit numar de parole fara a avea acces la internet, folosindu-te de un “batchfile”
[mai mult...]Configurarea timpului de asteptare pentru comenzile sudo
Configurare timp de asteptare pentru o comanda “sudo”
[mai mult...]Creare partitie/Shrink Ubuntu folosind Gparted
Cum se aloca spatiu dintr-o partitie existenta, unei partitii noi.
[mai mult...]Dezactivare Telemetry din regedit in Windows 10
Dezactivare Telemetry permanenta din regedit in Windows 10.
[mai mult...]Adaugare OpenSSH Server Ubuntu
Instalare OpenSSH Server Ubuntu
[mai mult...]