The webcam may display a black screen due to an upgrade to Windows 10 or due to an outdated webcam driver.
[mai mult...]Gdi32full.dll is missing or not found an error
That moment when the error “Gdi32full.dll is missing or not found an error” simply appears on the screen.
[mai mult...]Photo import does not work on Windows 10
We want to import photos from an external device but you get an error.
[mai mult...]Cannot print from Windows 10 Mail
When we try to print an email from the Windows 10 Mail application, and then we receive an error.
[mai mult...]Link-urile din Outlook nu se deschid
Vom incepe prin resetarea browserului implicit. Asta o vom face urmarind pasii:
Vom face Microsoft Edge browser implicit.
1.Deschidem Microsoft Edge
2.Apasam Alt + F pentru a deschide optiunile meniului browserului
3.Selectam Settings din meniul derulant
4. Din navigarea din stanga, selectam Default browser
5. Daca Microsoft Edge nu este browserul tau implicit, faceti click pe butonul Make default din partea de sus
6. Inchide fila Settings.
7. Testati un link in Outlook pentru a vedea daca pagina web se deschide in Microsoft Edge.
[mai mult...]Enable application running when starting Windows 10
We want an application to run automatically when we open the computer running Windows 10
[mai mult...]Activate and trigger accessibility on iPhone X, XS, XS Max or XR
Reachability began with the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, to compensate for the larger screen size. It has since become a staple feature of all iPhones (except the iPhone SE), including the iPhone X, XS, XS Max and XR models. However, it is a little more difficult to use, as there is no Home button on these newer flagships.
To do this we need to make sure that your iPhone is running iOS 11.1 or later (XS, XS Max and XR have iOS 12 by default), follow the guide below and you will reach the top of the iPhone without a power button in time.
[mai mult...]Unable to install applications from the Windows 10 store
Unable to install applications from the Windows 10 store.
[mai mult...]Activare sau dezactivare de comutare rapida de utilizator
Atunci cand nu putem schimba utilizatorul din meniul Start.
[mai mult...]Notificare Iphone incarcat 100%
Uneori vrei sa stii cand Iphone-ul tau este incarcat 100% pentru a-l putea folosi din nou.
[mai mult...]