In caz ca ati dezinstalat Microsoft Store din greseala sau ca asa ati dorit, urmati urmatorii pasi pentru Reinstalare:
[mai mult...]Windows 10 cannot open PDF files in Adobe Reader
This issue can as well be termed as the mother of all PDF problems in Windows 10. Many users who reported this issue are those who migrated from Windows 7 or Windows 8 to Windows 10. When trying to open a PDF file, the system does not give any error message nor does it open the file. Only a busy icon appears for a few seconds and then nothing, not even a blink of a new window / frame. The core of this problem lies in the settings. If you are experiencing the same issue, follow the steps below to fix the problem.
[mai mult...]Play Store won’t open, load, or download apps
Try the steps below to fix problems with Google Play. They may help if:
- You can’t download or install apps or games from the Google Play Store
- You can’t download music, movies, TV shows, or other content from Google Play
- The Google Play Store app won’t open or load, or crashes after it opens
- Downloads & app updates get stuck and won’t finish
Changing the location of Microsoft Edge’s Download folder (Windows 10)
Changing the downloads directory in Microsoft Edge is only available when the Anniversary Update is installed on the system. Edge did not list options to change downloads in previous versions.
To change the default download directory of Microsoft Edge, do the following:
[mai mult...]Schimbare locatie download Google Chrome (Windows 10)
Daca doriti sa schimbati locatia pentru download din Google Chrome urmati pasii urmatori:
[mai mult...]Cum sa rulati DxDiag si ce informatii va ofera acesta (valabil pentru Windows 10)
Daca doriti sa aflati ce componente (ex: procesor, placa video) contine computerul dumneavoastra puteti rula programul DxDiag.exe
[mai mult...]How to set when Windows 10 is allowed to install updates and restart your PC
Windows 10 Home users don’t have much control over what updates are pushed to their PCs by Microsoft. However, users can choose when to reboot their computers or devices in order to install the pending operating system updates automatically. In Windows 10 Creators Update there are two small yet quite helpful features – active hours and custom restart times – that control when Windows 10 reboots and updates itself. Read on to see where you’ll find these settings and how to configure them:
NOTE: The features shared in this article apply to Windows 10 with Creators Update or newer. Windows 10 Creators Update is available for free, for all Windows 10 users, as of April 2017.
[mai mult...]Cum sa faci update de la Microsoft Office 365 la Microsoft Home & Student 2016 (daca nu ai Microsoft Office 365 in cont)
Daca aveti Microsoft Office 365 instalat in computer si doriti sa faceti update la Microsoft Home & Student 2016, acest lucru se poate efectua simplu si usor fara a descarca intregul pachet din contul dumneavoastra de Microsoft.
Contul trebuie sa contina doar Microsoft Home & Student 2016! Fara orice alta versiune de Office 365.
[mai mult...]