Daca nu iti mai doresti asocierea contului de Facebook cu Whatsapp le poti dezasocia din cadrul aplicatiei WhatsApp Business.
[mai mult...]Cum puteti adauga un cont WhatsApp Business la o pagină de Facebook
- O pagină de Facebook a intreprinderii
- Un cont pe aplicatia WhatsApp Business
- Cea mai recenta versiune a aplicatiilor pe telefon.
Cum puteti edita mesaje in Whatsapp
Cum puteti opri salvarea fisierelor media din WhatsApp in galeria telefonului
In mod implicit, atunci cand instalezi aplicatia WhatsApp pe telefon, funcția de download a documentelor primite direct in galerie este activa. Iata cum oprești salvarea fisierelor media din WhatsApp in galeria telefonului:
[mai mult...]Cum puteti marca si elimina marcajul mesajelor pe Whatsapp
Functia de marcare a mesajelor va permite sa insemnati anumite mesaje astfel incat sa le puteti gasi din nou cu usurinta.
[mai mult...]Cum va puteti formata mesajele in WhatsApp
Running multiple commands in one single line (Linux)
Assuming you have to execute multiple commands, if you would do this one by one, you have to be in front of the keyboard and wait for each command to complete and then execute the other.
[mai mult...]Switch back to the last working directory (Linux)
Assuming you navigate to different directories for certain activities, but suddenly you would like to go back to the last (long) working directory.
[mai mult...]How to check Oracle Database Version and installed patches
There are a lot of situations when you need to know the Oracle Database Version and installed patches.
[mai mult...]What does ‘whoami’ command return?
There are situations where you would like to “crosscheck” the username of the current user (connected), for example before running a specific command (of a specific user only).
[mai mult...]