You have already a LVM created and you need to increase the size of a file system mounted from a logical volume.
[mai mult...]How to use LVM (pvcreate, pvscan, pvdisplay, vgcreate, lvcreate)
LVM = Logical Volume Manager.
You can create logical partitions with LVM that can span across one or multiple physical hard drives.
Hard drives are divided into physical volumes, then those physical volumes are combined together to create the volume group and next the logical volumes which is created from the volume group.
Macro steps.
- Identify the physical hard drives to be used and create Physical Volumes
- Create the Volume Group from Physical Volumes
- Create Logical Volumes from Volume Group
Format a Partition in Linux and mount the filesystem
After a new partition is created, format the newly created partition using ‘mkfs‘ command, /dev/sdh1 is the newly created partition to work with.
[mai mult...]How to configure a new partition using fdisk
How to configure a new partition on a new disk for a dedicated server, or a virtual machine.
[mai mult...]Configurarea regulilor in Outlook
O regulă este o acțiune pe care Outlook o rulează automat asupra mesajelor de intrare sau ieșire.
[mai mult...]Combinarea textului din doua sau mai multe celule intr-una singura
Puteți combina date din mai multe celule într-o singură celulă utilizând simbolul ampersand (&) sau funcția CONCATENATE.
[mai mult...]Oracle Data Pump (expdp, impdp) – some REMAP options
Oracle Data Pump technology enables very high-speed movement of data and metadata from one database to another.
[mai mult...]Cum sa adaugi videoclipuri in document Word
Intr-un document word poti introduce un videoclip Youtube. Este foarte util cand ai de realizat prezentari si videoclipul te ajuta sa exprimi mai usor ce este de facut.
Selectezi din meniu Insert -> Online Video
In campul Search Youtube se adauga linkul filmuletului pe care doresti sa-l adaugi in document.
Din imaginile generate selectezi videoclipul dorit.
[mai mult...]How to find the PowerShell version in Windows
There are situations when you need to know which version of PowerShell you are using, for this you can use one of the following:
[mai mult...]Descompunerea unui numar natural n in factori primi
Sa se descompună un număr natural n în factori primi.
Ex: 360=23*32*51
Analiza Programului
Consideram toate numerele naturale incepand cu 2.
Pentru fiecare numar verificam daca este divizor al lui n. Daca da, calculam multiplicitatea acestui divizor in n impartind succesiv pe n la divizor si calculam numarul de impartiri efectuate atat timp cat n mai are divizori.