Daca dorim sa facem anumite editari asupra unei fraze din textul nostru (sa marim sau sa schimbam culoarea font-ului, etc.), va trebui intai sa o selectam. Daca fraza este lunga, exista o metoda foarte simpla pentru a o selecta fara a fi nevoie sa facem drag cu mouse-ul.
To get the most out of your Google TV streaming device, you’ll want to find and download some apps and games. Unfortunately, doing this on devices like the Chromecast with Google TV isn’t as easy as opening the Play Store, but we’ll walk you through it.
Devices like the Chromecast with Google TV have access to Android apps made for televisions. However, you can’t actually open the Google Play Store directly, like you can with Android TV. Instead, the store’s search functionality is built into the “Apps” tab on the Home screen.
Daca e-mailurile dintr-un folder din clientul Mozila Thunderbird nu sunt vizibile, o problema poate sa fie deteriorarea fisierului cu extesia .msf a acelui folder.