
E-mail 984 Solutii

Configure new “Special Receive Connector” in Exchange 2013

In Exchange 2013 once finished configuring the sending connector and the accepted domain politics the receiving connector must be configured in order for it to receive e-mails from outside the server, by default he’s configured to just receive internal e-mails.

The receiving connectors are used to control the flow of messages received by Exchange. In Exchange 2013 the receiving connectors are configured by the server through the transport service or through the Front End Transport service.


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Parola pierduta / resetare DVR Hikvision

Nu iti mai amintesti parola, ai pierdut-o si nu mai poti accesa DVR-ul tau?
Acum ai o solutie simpla prin care poti reseta parola in doar 10 minute fara a avea nevoie de factura sau sa duci DVR-ul la un service autorizat.

Bine de stiut! 
Acesta procedura va sterge toate configuratiile facute anterior, parola, numele camerelor, setarile de internet… Prin aceasta procedura NU se sterg filmarile inregistrate, aceastea sunt salvate pe Hard-Disk. 

Nu deconecta DVR-ul, calculatorul sau routerul in timpul procesului, risti sa strici DVR-ul. 

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