Adblocker gratis pe Android

Dupa cum stim, reclamele au inceput sa apara din ce in ce mai mult in viata noastra, iar site-urile au inceput sa se umple de reclame, pup-up-uri s.a.m.d.

Cei cu Android pot rezerva aceasta probleme rapid, in siguranta si fara alte aplicatii care necesita instalate.

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How to Disable Auto-Correct on iPhone and iPad

When your iPhone or iPad corrects a word automatically, it’s drawing on both a dictionary and a predictive text algorithm that learns from how you type. The dictionary may not include every proper name, acronym, or new term as it appears on the scene, so it can be frustrating when auto-correct changes what you know is correct. Also, if you misspell a certain word frequently enough, the predictive text algorithm will learn that typo, and it may begin “fixing” correct instances of a word or term when you don’t want it to.

There are some advanced remedies for auto-correction woes, such as attempting to retrain the algorithm or adding custom shortcuts, but sometimes the easiest way to deal with auto-correct is to turn it off completely. Here’s how.

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