
Cum să știi dacă cineva te-a blocat pe WhatsApp

Dacă trimiteți mesaje WhatsApp cuiva, dar nu primiți niciun răspuns, s-ar putea să vă întrebați dacă ați fost blocat. Ei bine, WhatsApp nu vine cu optiunea de a afla daca ati fost blocat, dar există câteva moduri de a-l descoperi.

Consultați Detalii de contact în chat

Primul lucru pe care ar trebui să îl faceți este să deschideți o conversație în aplicația WhatsApp pentru iPhone sau Android și apoi să vă uitați la detaliile de contact din partea de sus. Dacă nu puteți vedea fotografia lor de profil și ultima vizionare, este posibil să vă fi blocat.

Încercați să trimiteți mesaje text sau să apelați

Când trimiteți un mesaj către cineva care v-a blocat, bonul de livrare va afișa doar o bifă. Mesajele dvs. nu vor ajunge de fapt la WhatsApp de contact.

Dacă le-ai trimis înainte să te blocheze, vei vedea în schimb două bife de albastru.

Puteți încerca, de asemenea, să le sunați. Dacă apelul dvs. nu va trece, înseamnă că este posibil să fiți blocat. WhatsApp va efectua apelul pentru dvs. și îl veți auzi să sune, dar nimeni nu va raspunde.

Încercați să le adăugați la un grup

Acest pas vă va oferi semnul cel mai sigur. Încercați să creați un grup nou în WhatsApp și includeți contactul în grup. Dacă WhatsApp vă spune că aplicația nu a putut adăuga persoana în grup, înseamnă că v-au blocat.

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Cum să porniți automat televizorul cu PlayStation 4 sau Pro folosind HDMI-CEC

Un lucru marunt, dar există ceva despre eliminarea porțiunii „porniți televizorul” si de a vă lansa PlayStation 4, care face ca întregul proces să pară mai rapid. Și o veste bună este că pentru a face această acțiune la configurarea dvs. este la fel de ușor bifând o casetă.

Așadar, înainte de a porni pe PlayStation, va trebui să găsiți mai întâi setarea televizorului și să vă asigurați că este pornita. Consultați primerul nostru de pe HDMI-CEC pentru instrucțiuni, inclusiv numele obișnuite pentru funcția folosită de diverși producători.

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Cum dezactivați notificările de realizare Xbox pe Windows 10

Dacă jucați un joc Xbox pe un computer Windows 10, cum ar fi cele din Microsoft Pass pentru serviciul PC, veți vedea probabil notificări pop-up pentru realizările dvs. Xbox.  Acestea sunt controlate din bara de joc încorporată a Windows 10, care este mai mult o suprapunere a jocului pe ecran complet în acest moment. Pentru a o deschide, apăsați Windows + G.

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What Is Instagram Reels, and Is It a TikTok Clone?

Reels is a new feature on Instagram that allows people to create 15-second videos á la Vine and TikTok. But is Instagram Reels just a TikTok clone? Easily-digestible, short video clips are certainly not new on social media. TikTok is the latest platform to use it, and it’s become incredibly popular. Now, Instagram has jumped on the bandwagon with Reels. Let’s take a look at how the two apps compare.

What Is Instagram Reels?

First and foremost, Reels is a video-creation tool. It’s a new mode you can access through the Instagram Stories camera. You can make a Reel from a single or series of clips, but it can only be a maximum of 15 seconds. Instagram expects most Reels to include multiple clips, though. There’s even a handy tool for aligning a new clip with the previous one to create a seamless transition.

Like an Instagram Story, there are a number of editing tools available for Reels. You can add music, adjust playback speed, and use Instagram’s existing library of augmented reality effects. Reels also has a timer and countdown for recording videos hands-free. After you record a clip, you can add stickers, text, and doodles.

Sharing a Reel is mostly the same as sharing anything else on Instagram. Accounts set to public can share Reels to a dedicated space in the “Explore” tab. Private accounts can simply share the Reel to their feed. You can also share a Reel as your Instagram Story.

Once you create a Reel, a new “Reels” tab will appear on your profile, and they’ll also appear in your main profile grid.

Again, Reels can also be posted to the public “Discover” tab, so you can browse through videos from accounts you might not follow. You can scroll through and Like, Comment, or Share the same as you would with any Instagram post.

You might think Reels sounds a lot like Instagram Stories. While both creation tools function similarly, they serve different purposes. Stories are intended to be more of a social feature that allow people to share short videos or photos, which are only visible for 24 hours. Reels are more about creation and entertainment.

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How to lower the WhatsApp data usage

The following guide provides you with instructions on lowering the data usage of the popular messaging application WhatsApp.Created for Android devices, you can use the guide if you run WhatsApp on another mobile operating system as well.

Applications that you run regularly on your mobile devices can use a considerable amount of data when they are running.Many apps continue to run in the background once they have been started on a device. This is certainly true for most messaging applications, as they check regularly for new messages and other content to notify you the moment it is detected.

How to lower the WhatsApp data usage

First thing you need to do is verify WhatsApp’s data usage on your device. How that is done depends largely on your device. On my Xiaomi Mi4c, I select Security > Data Usage to find out about the data usage of the app. You may find data usage in a different location on your device, for instance under Networks > Data Usage.

If you cannot find that option, or don’t have it, then you may need to install a third-party data tracking application. You can use My Data Manager for that for instance. I suggest you run it at least a week before you check WhatsApp’s data usage during that time.

Once you have the number, you need to decide whether it is too high, or acceptable. If you think it is too high, you can modify some WhatsApp settings to lower the application’s data usage.

  1. Select WhatsApp > Menu > Settings.
  2. Select the Data Usage menu when the Settings page opens.

There you find the following options to lower WhatsApp’s data usage:

Configure media auto-download. You may configure this independently for mobile data, WiFi data, and roaming.

The default setting downloads photos when on mobile, all attachments when connected to a Wifi, and nothing at all when roaming.

To lower the usage, consider blocking all downloads from being processed automatically on mobile and / or on WiFi. The latter depends on whether the wireless networks that you connect the mobile device to are limited in regards to bandwidth.

Note that you may still download any attachment manually. WhatsApp displays a placeholder for attachments that have not been auto-downloaded by the app. A tap on the placeholder downloads the attachments to your device.

Low data usage. This setting enables the low data usage mode during WhatsApp calls. Please note that this goes hand in hand with a reduction in call quality. If you use WhatsApp for calls regularly, you may want to test the setting to see if you can live with the quality reduction, and whether reducing it has a big enough impact on the data usage of the app to make it worthwhile.

Chat Backup settings are another thing that you may want to check. While not configured by default to send data to a cloud provider, WhatsApp may be configured to do that.

Go to Menu > Settings > Chat > Chat Backup to get started. You find the “back up to Google Drive” option on the page. If it is enabled, consider disabling it as WhatsApp will transfer data to Google Drive regularly when it is enabled.

You may change other preferences there, for instance so that videos are not backed up to Google Drive, or the frequency of backups.

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