
How to Connect Nest Thermostat to Alexa

Installing the Nest Thermostat is a great step towards making your home a smart home. If you have an Alexa device, like an Amazon’s Echo Spot, Echo Show or Echo Input, you can make your Nest Thermostat voice controlled through Alexa. The process works with non-Amazon Alexa devices, too, like the Facebook Portal. Here’s how to connect Alexa to a Nest Thermostat and why you should.

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Top 12 amenintari de infratiune cibernetica

Pentru mulți, perioada aceasta in care ne confruntam cu virusul Covid 19 – este o perioada in care v-ați putea găsi în postura de victimă a unui atac în mediul online pot face ca acesta perioada să devină  nu tocmai fericita. Odată cu toata perioada carantinei si nu numai  și cu utilizarea internetului în momentele de vârf, nu există un moment mai bun pentru a pândi o victimă în mediul online, astfel vă vom vedea impreuna o serie de amenintari cibernetice si modul in care sa scapam de ele.

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How to connect a stadia controller to an android device via wi-fi

Start by opening the Google Stadia app on your Android handset. From the “Home” tab, tap the controller icon.

Open the Stadia app and then tap the controller icon

Your device will start looking for an available Stadia controller.

Your Android smartphone will start looking for an available Stadia controller

It’s now time to turn on your controller. Start by pressing and holding the Stadia button for one second until the controller vibrates and the backlight starts to pulse.

Press and hold the Stadia button

The controller should appear in the Stadia app after several moments. If your smartphone stops searching after not finding any controllers, tap the “Refresh” button.

Your device should see the controller after several seconds. Tap the "Refresh" button if needed

If you’re still having connection issues, try toggling your phone’s Bluetooth setting off and on or even rebooting the entire device. Once your Stadia controller shows up as “Ready To Link” in the app, press the four controller buttons that are shown on-screen. The controller will vibrate twice once the two devices are connected. The Stadia app will also show that the controller is linked.

The Stadia controller is now linked to your handset

When you’re done playing and want to turn off your controller, press and hold the Stadia button for three to five seconds. The controller will vibrate once and disconnect from your Android smartphone.

Press and hold the Stadia button

You will need to repeat the linking process every time you want to game untethered. Google does not store previous connections and will not automatically link the controller to your Android device in the future.

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Cum să actualizați jocurile Nintendo Switch

De-a lungul timpului, majoritatea jocurilor Nintendo Switch primesc actualizări online gratuite care remediază erorile și adaugă noi funcții. Uneori, actualizările adaugă chiar și funcții majore jocului, cum ar fi niveluri noi sau personaje. Iată cum să vă asigurați că jocurile dvs. sunt actualizate.

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