Cum inversam culorile unei imagini in Photoshop?
Ne aflam in situatia in care dorim sa inversam culorile unei imagini, folosind Adobe Photoshop.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Ne aflam in situatia in care dorim sa inversam culorile unei imagini, folosind Adobe Photoshop.
[mai mult...]Filtrarea web este o tehnologie care impiedica utilizatorii sa vizualizeze anumite adrese URL sau site-uri web impiedicand browserele lor sa incarce pagini de pe aceste site-uri.
[mai mult...]You can send and receive text messages, photos, voice messages, and video using Android Messages on your smartphone and desktop. To link the mobile app and the web version:
[mai mult...]Microsoft’s OneDrive can be an easy way to transfer files from your smartphone or tablet to your computer without using cables or a full device syncing process. Here’s how to do it.
[mai mult...]Windows 10 may display a “Get even more out of Windows” prompt occasionally that displays additional services that users may set up. The prompt may be displayed on the first start of the device, after the installation of a feature update, or at random provided that it has not been turned off.
The Get even more out of Windows prompt highlights a number of services that are powered by a Microsoft Account:
Some Windows 10 users may find the prompt useful as it allows them to set up some of these services directly. It is possible to set these up elsewhere on the system which means that the prompt’s main purpose is to get more users to discover these options and use them.
It is a good idea to disable the prompt if you don’t want to use any of the features or set up some of them already. The prompt may be superfluous in this case and is best disabled to speed things up.
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