
What Is SoundCloud Desktop?

SoundCloud is one of the most-popular places online for musicians to upload their creations, share them with the world, and build a following. The service is also fairly popular with podcast creators and listeners.

Users can stream music tracks or podcast episodes via the SoundCloud website in any web browser on a computer, smartphone, or tablet or via one of its official apps. Those who pay for the premium monthly SoundCloud Go or SoundCloud Go+ memberships can also download files for offline listening when using the SoundCloud apps.

SoundCloud has released an app call SoundCloud Desktop app, however, someone talking about SoundCloud Desktop could be referring to a number of different things on different devices.

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Android 8.0 disponibil si pentru laptop

Dezvoltat în regim open source, proiectul Android-x86 a trecut la versiunea Android 8.1 Oreo, permiţând utilizatorilor să ruleze aplicaţii de Android pe PC folosind cea mai recentă versiune a platformei Google pentru dispozitive mobile.

Chiar dacă nu este singurul proiect de acest tip, Android-x86 este una dintre puţinele opţiuni complet gratuite pentru rularea de aplicaţii Android pe PC, folosind o versiune curată şi sigură de Android, adaptată pentru a funcţiona corect pe platforma desktop PC.

Android-x86 8.1 RC 1 este prima ediţie publică a acestui proiect, bazată pe versiunea 8.1 a platformei Android. Încă neajunsă la forma finală, noua versiune îmbunătăţeşte gestionarea proceselor pentru aplicaţii care rulează în fundal şi modul de afişare a notificărilor. Totodată, sunt preluate şi alte caracteristici specifice versiunii Android Oreo, cum ar fi funcţia smart text selection.

Pentru a înlesni acomodarea utilizatorilor obişnuiţi cu platforma Windows, interfaţa grafică este prevăzută cu taskbar şi buton pentru sertarul cu aplicaţii. În plus, aplicaţiile de Android rulează în ferestre individuale uşor de gestionat, înlesnind folosirea PC-ului în regim multitasking.

Lista dispozitivelor suportate este ceva mai cuprinzătoare decât la versiunile anterioare: ecrane cu interfaţă multi-touch, module pentru sunet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, camere web, etc.

Disponibil gratuit pentru download, Android-x86 8.1 RC 1 poate fi instalat ca sistem de operare boot-abil pe PC-uri compatibile UEFI. Desigur, cei care doresc să încerce noul OS fără a aduce modificări permanente configuraţiei software a PC-ului pot apela la una dintre aplicaţiile de tip maşină virtuală (ex. VMWare sau VirtualBox) pentru a rula Android 8.1 suprapus peste versiunea Windows deja instalată.


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Disable or customize Windows’ Internet Connection test to improve privacy

Whenever you start a PC running Windows, an Internet connection test is run automatically to test the Internet availability. The test tries to connect to a Microsoft website — — to download the ncsi.txt text file from the server the website is hosted on.

Windows knows then if your computer has Internet access, local area network access, or no network access at all.

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How to edit timestamps with Windows PowerShell

The following tutorial demonstrates how you can edit file timestamps — create, last access and last write — using Windows PowerShell.

PowerShell is part of any modern version of Microsoft’s Windows operating system. Microsoft shifted to PowerShell away from the Command Prompt on Windows 10, but did not remove the command prompt doing so.

Windows 10 users and administrators have access to both, but the development focus lies clearly on PowerShell.

Each file on Windows, and other operating systems as well, has several timestamps associated with it. The file system keeps track of the files creation time, last access time, and last write time.

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How to reset the Screenshots counter on Windows 10

Microsoft improved the screenshot taking functionality of Windows in Windows 10 significantly. The operating system comes with plenty of options to take screenshots, and one of the easiest options is to use the keys Windows+Print for that.

A new screenshot is saved to the default Screenshots directory on the system whenever you use the keyboard shortcut.  You can open File Explorer manually and select Pictures in the sidebar to open it, or load %userprofile%\Pictures\Screenshots directly instead anywhere provided that an address bar is available.

Windows assigns file names to screenshots automatically. Each file name begins with Screenshot but since file names need to be unique, a counter is added to the file name. Windows increases the counter by 1 each time you take a new screenshot on the system. The index is incremented by 1 automatically so that you end up with names like Screenshot (1).png, Screenshot (2).png and so on.

windows 10 screenshot number filename

The counter is not reset, even if you delete files in the Screenshot directory or move all files to another location. Windows remembers the last used number and will increment it by 1 automatically.

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