
Change the language in Office 365’s Outlook

I’m trying to change the language of my Outlook/Office 365. At the moment my version of the site is in both French and English and I am trying to make it all English.

In the Settings right-side pane, I have tried to change the language by searching for “language” and then changed it to English, but several parts are still in French.



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Ghiceste numarul

Programul de mai jos genereaza in secret un numar de la 1 la 10 iar tu trebuie sa il ghicesti introducand numere de la tastatura. Se poate obtine o gama mai larga de numere prin modificarea liniei 8 (numar = rand() % 10 + 1)

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How to Use iTunes on Linux

For owners of the iPhone and iPods, iTunes is the primary way to sync music, movies, and other data from their computers to their mobile devices. It’s also a great way to buy music or stream tens of millions of songs with Apple Music. And that’s great for users of the Mac OS and Windows, which both have versions of iTunes. But what about Linux? Is there iTunes for Linux?

The simplest answer is no. Apple doesn’t make a version of iTunes that can run natively on Linux. But that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to run iTunes on Linux. It just means that it’s a little harder.

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