Cum vizualizezi lista de useri locali in powershell
Avem nevoie sa stim care este user-ul pentru a ne loga pe el.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Avem nevoie sa stim care este user-ul pentru a ne loga pe el.
[mai mult...]Ceasul este desincronizat si vrem sa-l resincronizam, dorim sa alegem google ca sursa.
[mai mult...]You can run into a lot of people telling you that the account keeps getting locked out without typing the wrong password.
Here is how to check the reasons for the account lockout if you’re using Windows Server 2012 as an Active Directory.
First thing that needs to be done is to enable auditing for login attemps.
In order to do this, go to Start, and type gpmc to launch Group Policy Management Console.
Here, you can either edit your Default Domain Policy, or create a new policy.
Either way, in the Group Policy Management Editor, go to Computer Configuration >Policies >Windows Settings > Security Settings >Advanced Audit Policy Configurator >Audit Policies
All the audit policies are on the right pane. Here,you have to enable the following policies for Successful and Failed events
-In Logon/Logoff – Enable Audit Logon
– In Object Access enable Audit Detailed File Share; Audit File Share; Audit File System
After applying these policies, you can check the login attempts by using Event Viewer and navigating to
Windows Logs >Security on the left pane.
[mai mult...]Ne lovim uneori de necesitatea de a ne conecta remote desktop la un server, dar bineinteles, unii useri nu ar trebui sa aiba rol de administrator, pentru a putea face acest lucru, stiut fiind faptul ca userii de tip administrator au implicit acces remote desktop.
Nu voi intra in detaliu, despre ce anume trebuie facut ca serverul sa poata fi contactat remote(port forwarding, activare acces remote), ci pur si simplu doar pasii de a da drepturi de conectare remote desktop unui utilizator cu drepturi de user.
[mai mult...]Se doreste instalarea unui program antivirus pe o masina cu Windows Server.
[mai mult...]Pentru un minim de securitate impotriva virusilor pe un sistem Windows Server, se doreste a se instala Microsoft Security Essentials (program antivirus gratuit oferit de Microsoft pentru calculatoarele personale).
[mai mult...]