If you’ve recently ditched WhatsApp for Telegram in a bid to protect your chat privacy, you’ll probably want to know how to delete conversations from both your device and Telegram’s servers. This isn’t quite as straightforward as you may think.
Deleting Messages from Telegram
As of Telegram 5.5 (released in March of 2019), anyone can delete a message from a one-on-one chat from all devices. This includes both messages that you’ve sent and messages that you’ve received. There are no time limits, and the message will be deleted from all devices, including the Telegram server.
Cloud chats with multiple participants work differently. You can only delete messages that you’ve sent from everyone’s devices within 48 hours of sending them. After this, you can still delete a message, but it will remain on both the server and the recipients’ devices. If the recipients also delete the message, then it’s gone forever.
To delete a message, tap and hold it, then choose Delete.
You can then choose between “Delete for me” and “Delete for everyone,” or whoever it is you’re talking to.
One slightly confusing caveat that’s worth noting is this: If you or a recipient is somehow using a version of Telegram prior to 5.5 in a one-on-one chat, then you’re limited to the same 48-hour window and rules that currently exist for cloud chats. If you want to erase all copies of such a message from Telegram’s servers—even the recipient’s copy—you’ll need to ask the recipient of the message to delete it on their device, too.
To delete the entire conversation, swipe right on it in the conversations list and choose Delete. You’ll be asked whether you want to delete messages on your end or for the entire conversation.
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