How to Make a Bootable Clone of Your Mac’s Hard Drive

There are a lot of reasons for wanting to boot from an external drive. If you’d like to keep files synced between a desktop and laptop, expand your storage, or have a bootable backup copy of your system, there’s a hidden feature in Disk Utility that makes it easy.

Generally, booting from an external drive will be slower, even with new Thunderbolt and USB-C drives. Those are still much slower than the solid state drives (SSDs) found in most new Macs. So while this isn’t recommended for daily use, it’s still possible.

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Ce este Apple True Tone si cum il folosesc?

Daca ati utilizat recent un iPhone, iPad Pro sau MacBook Pro 2018, este posibil sa fi intampinat un nou comutator in setarile de afisare. True Tone are rolul de a face culoarea afisajului sa apara mai naturala si functioneaza.

True Tone a aparut pentru prima data in gama iPad Pro 2017, dar Apple a adus de atunci caracteristica iPhone-ului, incepand cu iPhone-ul 2017, iPhone 8 Plus si iPhone X. De atunci, lansat iPad Pro 2018 si 2018 MacBook Pro, ambele cu functia incorporata. Indiferent de dispozitivul pe care il utilizati, True Tone este proiectat sa preia nivelul de lumina si temperatura din jur si apoi sa ajusteze culoarea si intensitatea afisajului dispozitivului. Apple considera ca acest lucru permite ca afisajul sa apara mai natural, dar si sa impiedice efortul ochiului.

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Cum sa activati sau sa dezactivati atingerea 3D pe un iPhone

Apple ar putea sa se retraga din 3D Touch oarecum – nu este disponibil pe iPhone XR deloc – dar suntem inca fani mari ai optiunilor pe care le ofera. Daca nu sunteti, puteti sa dezactivati cu totii 3D Touch.

Touch 3D a venit cu dispozitivul iPhone 6, permitand oamenilor sa impinga mai ferm pe unele elemente ale interfetei iOS pentru a efectua actiuni sau a dezvalui optiuni suplimentare. Acesta ofera un clic dreapta pe tipuri, oferind iOS o adancime mai mare. De asemenea, adauga complexitatea, iar Apple nu a fost niciodata bun la realizarea caracteristicilor 3D Touch care sa poata fi descoperite. Daca aveti un dispozitiv iPhone 6s sau mai nou, cu exceptia iPhone XR mentionat mai sus, este posibil sa aveti activat functia 3D Touch si nu l-ati folosit niciodata.

Odata cu sosirea iPhone XR, Apple a introdus Haptic Touch, care ia o parte din functionalitatea 3D Touch si o plaseaza in spatele unui gest apasat. Cele doua gesturi – Touch 3D si Haptic Touch – nu se bucura insa de paritatea caracteristica in anumite moduri importante. Atingerea haptic nu accepta deloc “peek & pop” si comenzile rapide pe ecranul de pornire. Daca sunteti proprietar al iPhone XR, optiunea de a activa sau de a dezactiva Touch Haptic se afla in aceeasi locatie ca 3D Touch.

Aici vom trece prin pasii pe care ii puteti lua pentru a verifica daca functia 3D Touch este activata si, mai important, activati sau dezactivati-o dupa cum doriti. Sa incepem.

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How to Share Links to Your Google Doc as a PDF

Using Google Docs is a great way to collaborate on and share documents. Sometimes, though, you want to provide somebody with a PDF instead of an editable document. Google Docs now lets you edit your sharing link to provide a PDF. Best of all, if you edit the original document, the PDF link automatically includes any changes you made. Here’s how it works.

Note: This process works for Google Docs and Google Sheets, but not Google Slides.

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How to Share your Outlook Calendar

Sharing your Outlook calendar is easy, but how you do, it matters if you don’t want the people you share it with struggling to access it. Let’s take a look at how to share an Outlook calendar, whether the recipient is in the same organization as you or not.

Whether you share your Outlook calendar with someone inside your organization (that is, people with the same email domain as you) outside your organization, the process for sharing is similar. However, the way that the recipient accesses your shared calendar is a bit different, especially if the person outside your organization isn’t using Outlook. It’s still pretty simple though, and we’ll cover how it works so you can point people here if they’re struggling to access your shared calendar.

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How to Transfer Data from Your Old PC to Your New Mac

Moving your old data to a new computer can be a bit of a headache, especially if you’re going from PC to Mac. Thankfully, there are several ways to go about it, so you can get your new Mac set up and ready to go.

There are various ways to transfer data from your old PC to your new Mac. You could drag your files to an external hard drive and manually transfer them over, set up a networking share between the two systems, or sync them up using a cloud storage account. There’s also the Windows Migration Assistant, a special tool Apple created expressly for this purpose. Both computers will need to be on the same network to use this tool, but past that there aren’t any other hard requirements.

Here’s how to use the Windows Migration Assistant to transfer your files.

Step One: Get Your Windows Machine Ready

To start this process, begin on your Windows PC. Open up a browser of your choice. There’s an Apple page located on Apple’s official help database with links to the Windows Migration Assistant program for each of the various versions of macOS on your new Mac. You’ll install this application on your Windows machine.

Choose the right download for the version of macOS on your new machine and click on the link to get to the download page. Once there, click the blue “Download” button.

Once you have the Migration Assistant downloaded, make sure you’ve closed any open Windows apps, and then open Windows Migration Assistant by double-clicking it. In the Migration Assistant window, click “Continue” to get the process underway.

Leave your PC available on the next screen, where a code will appear shortly. We’ll come back to this, don’t worry.

Step Two: Get Your Mac Ready

You’re done with your Windows machine for the moment, so turn on your Mac. Open the Mac Migration Assistant, found in the Utilities folder. It’s already pre-installed.

When you open up Migration Assistant on your Mac and click “Continue,” all apps on the Mac will close, so make sure you’re ready to proceed before doing so.

On the next screen, choose the option to transfer data “From a Windows PC.” Then click “Continue” via the arrow at the bottom of the screen.

The next screen will show a passcode for the Mac where you’re migrating data. You will see your PC also showing the same code on its instance of the Migration Assistant. The screens will look identical while you have both machines running.

Make sure the two computers display the same code. Next, click “Continue” on your PC first and then do the same on your Mac.

You’ll be focusing on your Mac for the rest of the process.

Step Three: Choose What Data to Transfer

When you press “Continue,” the Migration Assistant on your Mac will scan for a list of files that you can migrate to your new computer. Once it finishes, it will show you all the files it found, separated by user. Select the data you want to move over and then click “Continue.”

After you do this, the process will begin, and you’ll be shown an ETA until it’s finished. The transfer can take a while to complete, depending on how much data you’re transferring, and the Assistant will notify you when it’s finished.

Congratulations! You’re now able to start using your fresh new Mac

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How to Play Retro Games on Your NVIDIA SHIELD TV with Emulators

Short of an HTPC, the NVIDIA SHIELD TV is the most versatile box you can put in your entertainment console. It supports 4K HDR playback from Netflix and YouTube. You can play games from Google Play Store and stream games from your PC or NVIDIA’s servers. And you can even set up an emulator for retro gaming.

While we’ve seen retro consoles like the PlayStation Classic and NES Classic, their single use case may be a bit of a turn-off. There’s nothing wrong with just wanting to plug something in and dive into games, but other options are better if you want a more multipurpose system. And the NVIDIA SHIELD might be the best of them.


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How to Use Google Lens on the iPhone

If you’re a fan of Google Lens, you now have another avenue for accessing the feature in iOS, because it’s now included in the Google Search app on the iPhone. Here’s how to use it.

Google Lens is a neat little feature that can identify real-world objects, like signs, buildings, books, plants, and more using your phone’s camera. And it gives you more information about the object. It’s available in the Google Photos app, but if you don’t use Google Photos, you can now access Google Lens in the regular Google Search app. We’ll show you how to use Google Lens in both apps.

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How to fix Tcpip.sys Blue Screen Error on Windows computer

The Tcpip.sys Blue Screen of Death error is among the more common of Blue Screen errors. The Tcpip.sys is a driver file is associated with the Transmission Control Protocol over Internet Protocol and you could get this Blue Screen error if this file goes corrupt. The accompanying error descriptions for this error are:



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