A lot of users has reported that the thumbnails are not showing up in File Explorer.
[mai mult...]Fixing error code 0x80070497 in Windows Video Editor
The error code 0x80070497 occurs when the Windows video editor is unable to export.This could be caused by the file format.
[mai mult...]Delete printers or printer drivers in Windows 10/11 or Windows Server from Registry Editor
Issues with printers or printer drivers messing up your server or client?
[mai mult...]Windows Taskbar is missing
Missing taskbar possible causes:
- If the presentation display was changed, the taskbar may have moved off of the visible screen
- The taskbar may be set to “Auto-hide”
- The Explorer may have crashed
MS Office 2016 – Fix installation error code 30066
The Office installation error 30066 is mostly caused due to the following reason:
- The office installation has been blocked due to the installed antivirus software or the firewall.
- Poor internet connection.
- Some previous version of the Office suite has already been installed to the device of the users.
- The setup files of the previous version of the Office suite have not been removed completely.
- Insufficient Disk Space.
Clear Twitter cache on iOS mobile devices
If you’re running low on space, deleting Twitter web and media cache is a quick & easy way to reclaim some space by deleting unneeded photos, GIFs, and web data. This will also speed up the app’s performance.
[mai mult...]Cum putem mari viteza WiFi pe calculatoarele cu Windows care au placa de retea Intel
Folosim retelele wireless peste tot. Le folosim zilnic, iar uneori nu functioneaza cum ar trebui. De multe ori, putem deveni frustrati din cauza lipsei semnalului sau a vitezei slabe. Daca discutam despre un dispozitiv cu Windows ce are instalat o placa de retea produsa de Intel atunci putem sa imbunatatim calitatea semnalului doar modificand cateva setari ale placii de retea.
[mai mult...]Cum se schimbă contul standard in cont de administrator în Windows 11
Iată cum să schimbați contul normal intr-un cont de administrator in Windows 11.
[mai mult...]Reinstalarea sistemului de operare macOS
Pentru a putea reinstala macOS, poti folosi modul Recuperare macOS. Poti astfel pastra intacte fisierele si setarile de utilizator dupa reinstalare. Pentru reinstalare va fi necesara o conexiune la internet.
[mai mult...]Dezinstalarea aplicatiilor prin Windows PowerShell
Sistemele de operare Windows 10 si 11 vin cu un număr mare de aplicații preinstalate. O parte a utilizatorilor prefera sa le foloseasca, altii nu. Pentru cei ce doresc sa renunte la anumite aplicatii exista diferite variante de dezinstalare.
Cea mai sigura este prin intermediul PowerShell care iti permite sa dezinstalezi indepedent aplicatiile.
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