Creare grup din terminal in linux.
[mai mult...]Cum se creeaza un user nou in linux din terminal
Creare user din terminal in linux.
[mai mult...]Cum se creeaza un folder nou in linux din terminal
Creare folder din terminal in linux.
[mai mult...]Cum se creeaza fisiere in linux din terminal
Crearea unor fisiere din terminal in linux.
[mai mult...]How to bulk email users
This example sends bulk email to users.
[mai mult...]How to send an email to a mailing list using PowerShell
This example sends an email message to a mailing list.
[mai mult...]How to send an email with attachment using PowerShell
This example sends an email message with an attachment.
[mai mult...]Send an email from one person to another person using PowerShell
This example sends an email message from one person to another person. The From, To, and Subject parameters are required by Send-MailMessage. This example uses the default $PSEmailServer variable for the SMTP server, so the SmtpServer parameter is not needed.
[mai mult...]How to disable execution of PowerShell scripts?
This is how you can disable execution of PowerShell scripts.
[mai mult...]How to check if a process is runnin and stop it using PowerShell
How to check if a process is runnin and stop it using PowerShell script.
[mai mult...]