Sometime we need to flush the computer DNS record due to some changes of domain pointing. Instead of going to every computer and running the same command using command prompt, you can send the user a .bat file, and ask them double click on it.
[mai mult...]Repornirea unui serviciu folosind un batch file
Batch file that is a random numeric password generator
This Batch generates number only passwords. You can choose from 1, 5 or 10 passwords to show, all random.
[mai mult...]How to reset the Remote desktop services grace period
Cum sa verifici serviciile, denumirea completa si starea lor folosind PowerShell
Cum se adauga o adresa de mail in blacklist-ul Spamassassin
Sa zicem ca avem un server de mail ce ruleaza pe linux, iar pe acel server ruleaza Spamassassin si dorim sa adaugam o adresa de email sau domeniu in blacklist.
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Remove NVIDIA Control Panel from Desktop Right-Click Menu
Have you ever wondered how to remove the “NVIDIA Control Panel” item from the desktop context menu? If so, you probably didn’t realize that it’s trivially easy to remove.
Here’s the menu item we’re looking to remove:
[mai mult...]How to change the registered PC owner in regedit on any version of Windows
If you’ve ever wondered how to change the name of the person that Windows is registered to, this is the quick tip for you.
[mai mult...]How to show seconds in Taskbar Clock using regedit
With the help of this interesting Registry tweak, you can enable seconds display in the Clock present in notification area (system tray) of Taskbar.
[mai mult...]Remove the Windows 10 Action Center Sidebar using regedit
Windows 10 Action Center Sidebar offers handy quick access buttons and notifications. However, if you find these buttons to be unnecessary and are not comfortable with the sidebar taking up half the screen when you open it, you can simply disable it
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