Un registru de lucru Excel poate conține un singur model de date, dar acel model poate conține mai multe tabele care pot fi utilizate în mod repetat în tot registrul de lucru. Puteți adăuga oricând mai multe tabele la un model de date existent.
[mai mult...]Crearea unui model de date în Excel
Un model de date vă permite să integrați date din mai multe tabele, construind efectiv o sursă de date relațională într-un registru de lucru Excel. În Excel, modelele de date sunt utilizate în mod transparent, furnizând date tabelare utilizate în rapoartele PivotTable și PivotChart. Un model de date este vizualizat ca o colecție de tabele într-o Listă de câmpuri și, de cele mai multe ori, nici nu veți ști că este acolo.
[mai mult...]VBA Boolean Operation
In Excel when we compare two cell contents or numbers by applying equal sign between them, we get output in TRUE or FALSE format. Which means values which we are comparing may be equal or may not be equal. In a similar manner, we have Boolean in VBA Excel.
Boolean also gives the output in the form of TRUE or FALSE. Boolean is a form of data type which can only contain either TRUE or FALSE. When we give some input to Boolean and if the test becomes TRUE then we get an answer as TRUE or we get FALSE.
[mai mult...]Add a loop in Excel
In the Mapper, select the fields that you want to include in the loop, starting with the row for the first screen that contains the fields, and ending with the row for the last field.
[mai mult...]Python MySQL – Create Database
Python Database API (Application Program Interface) is the Database interface for the standard Python. This standard is adhered to by most Python Database interfaces. There are various Database servers supported by Python Database such as MySQL, GadFly, mSQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Informix, Interbase, Oracle, Sybase etc. To connect with MySQL database server from Python, we need to import the mysql.connector interface.
[mai mult...]Python: Passing Dictionary as Arguments to Function
A dictionary in Python is a collection of data which is unordered and mutable. Unlike, numeric indices used by lists, a dictionary uses the key as an index for a specific value. It can be used to store unrelated data types but data that is related as a real-world entity. The keys themselves are employed for using a specific value.
[mai mult...]Read multiple CSV files into separate DataFrames in Python
We will see how to read multiple CSV files into separate DataFrames. For reading only one data frame we can use pd.read_csv()function of pandas. It takes a path as input and returns data frame like df = pd.read_csv(“file path”).
[mai mult...]How to create calendar in Excel (drop-down and printable)
When working with large or shared worksheets, maintaining data integrity is the biggest problem, especially when it comes to entering dates. Should they be entered as mm/dd/yy or dd/mm/yy or mm-dd-yyyy? And can I simply type a date like “05 Sep 2016”?
[mai mult...]How to insert and run VBA code in Excel
Suppose you need to change your data in some way. You googled a lot and found a VBA macro that solves your task. However, your knowledge of VBA leaves much to be desired.
[mai mult...]GetDLPPolicyTip call not found in Fiddler trace
If DLP policy tips don’t work as expected, Fiddler is a useful tool to help you diagnose the issue.
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