How to setup a ZFS storage pool Ubuntu 16.04


ZFS is a combined file system and logical volume manager originally designed and implemented by a team at Sun Microsystems led by Jeff Bonwick and Matthew Ahrens. Features of ZFS include protection against data corruption, high storage capacity (256 ZiB), snapshots and copy-on-write clones and continuous integrity checking to name but a few. If you are dealing with large amounts of data, or providing a backing filesystem for virtualisation, ZFS is a great choice.This guide will go through the process of installing ZFS on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and setting up a storage pool.

What you’ll learn

  • How to install ZFS
  • How to create a storage pool

What you’ll need

  • Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS
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How to create custom LXD images


LXD is a container hypervisor providing a ReST API to manage LXC containers.logo
This tutorial will show how to create a custom LXD image based on a basic Debian (or Debian-based distribution like Ubuntu) installation, to use locally or to publish.


  • Ubuntu 16.04 or newer
  • You should know how to create and launch an LXD/LXC container
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How to reboot Debian using the command line

Linux OS has the capability of running not weeks yet years without a reboot. But sometimes there is a good reason to reboot your Linux system after a week or two depending upon the situation. Mostly there are two major reasons for the reboot. First, the reboot becomes necessary when you install a piece of software that requires a reboot to become functional. Secondly, when you update your system or perform some configurations that also requires a reboot. Other then these, there can be many other reasons for a reboot. Whatever the reason may be, you should know how to reboot a system for all the changes to take effect.

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How to install OnlyOffice on Ubuntu 18.04

ONLYOFFICE is an open source office suite that includes online editors and the range of productivity and collaboration tools such as, documents and projects management, CRM system and calendar, chat and email, all in one place.

ONLYOFFICE Community Edition, distributed under GNU AGPL v.3, is composed of three servers:

  • Document Server: comprises online editors for text documents, spreadsheets and presentations. You can create, edit and collaborate on documents 100% compatible with MS Office and other popular formats in a familiar tabbed interface.
  • Community Server: includes the following modules and tools: People, Projects, CRM, Documents, CRM, Community, mail client, calendar and chat. To learn more about the latest features in Community Server, please, refer to the official documentation.
  • Mail Server: connect your own domains and create corporate mailboxes.
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How to install MicroK8s on Windows using Multipass

What is Kubernetes Kubernetes clusters host containerised applications in a reliable and scalable way. Having DevOps in mind, Kubernetes makes maintenance tasks such as upgrades dead simple. What is MicroK8s MicroK8s is a CNCF certified upstream Kubernetes deployment that runs entirely on your workstation or edge device. Being a snap it runs all Kubernetes services natively (i.e. no virtual machines) while packing the entire set of libraries and binaries needed. Installation is limited by how fast you can download a couple of hundred megabytes and the removal of MicroK8s leaves nothing behind. What is Multipass Multipass is a lightweight VM manager for Linux, Windows and macOS. It’s designed for developers who want a fresh Ubuntu environment with a single command. It uses KVM on Linux, Hyper-V on Windows and HyperKit on macOS to run the VM with minimal overhead. It can also use VirtualBox on Windows and macOS. Multipass will fetch images for you and keep them up to date. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to…

  • Setting up Multipass on Windows
  • Setting up MicroK8s on your Multipass VM
  • Enabling MicroK8s add-ons in Multipass

You will only need …

  • A Windows machine with at least 8GB of RAM
  • Multipass installed on your PC.
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How to create an AppArmor Profile on Ubuntu 18.04


AppArmor is a Mandatory Access Control (MAC) system which confines programs to a limited set of resources. AppArmor confinement is provided via profiles loaded into the kernel. AppArmor can be set to either enforce the profile or complain when profile rules are violated.

For this tutorial, we will generate an AppArmor profile for certspotter. certspotter is a new utility in Ubuntu as of 17.10 and no profile yet exists. certspotter monitors certificate transparency logs to see if new certificates have been generated for domains listed in a watchlist. Users of certspotter are encouraged to set up a cron job to regularly monitor new entries. I want to use this useful utility, but I haven’t had a chance to browse the source code, so I want to limit what it can do on my system.

What you’ll learn

  • How to create an AppArmor profile

What you’ll need

  • Ubuntu 17.10 or Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Ready? Let’s get started!

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