Powershell script sterge o lista de utilizatori din mai multe grupuri in acelasi timp

$users = import-csv C:\Users\admin.costeami\DesktOp\NRT-TEST.CSV
$groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter {Name -like “*_SB_*”} |select -ExpandProperty name
Foreach ($group in $groups) {
Foreach ($user in $users) {
#Set-ADUser $user.samaccountname -Description “Was member of $group”
Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $user.samaccountname -member $group -confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host “removing $($user.samaccountname) from $group” -ForegroundColor green
Write-Output “User $($user.samaccountname) removed from $group ” |Out-File “C:\Users\admin.costeami\Desktop\NRT-TEST2.txt” -Append

{write-warning “$_ Error removing user $($User.samaccountname)”}

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Powershell Script, adauga un user ca admin local pe mai multe statii dintr-un fisier .txt

#Define variables
$computers = Get-Content d:\scripts\Computers.txt
#$computers = Import-CSV Computers.csv | select Computer
$username = “admin.w11”
$password = “Pa$$w0rd”
$fullname = “Fullname”
$local_security_group = “Administrators”
$description = “Description”

Foreach ($computer in $computers) {
$users = $null
$comp = [ADSI]”WinNT://$computer”

#Check if username exists
Try {
$users = $comp.psbase.children | select -expand name
if ($users -like $username) {
Write-Host “$username already exists on $computer”

} else {
#Create the account
$user = $comp.Create(“User”,”$username”)

#Set password to never expire
#And set user cannot change password

#Add the account to the local admins group
$group = [ADSI]”WinNT://$computer/$local_security_group,group”

#Validate whether user account has been created or not
$users = $comp.psbase.children | select -expand name
if ($users -like $username) {
Write-Host “$username has been created on $computer”
} else {
Write-Host “$username has not been created on $computer”

Catch {
Write-Host “Error creating $username on $($computer.path): $($Error[0].Exception.Message)”

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Ext4 vs. Btrfs: Which Linux File System Should You Use?

Quite honestly, not enough people consider which file system to use for their computers.

Windows and macOS users have little reason to look, since they really have only one choice for their system—NTFS and HFS+, respectively. Linux, on the other hand, has plenty of different file system options, with the current default being the Fourth Extended Filesystem (ext4). There’s an ongoing push to change the default file system to the B-Tree File System (btrfs). But is btrfs better, and when will we see distributions making the change?

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3 Email-Cleaning Ways to Organize and Manage Your Inbox

Is email taking up more time than it should? There are better ways to organize and tame your inbox so that you have more energy and space for other things. Gmail is the world’s biggest email service today, and that’s why most of the methods and apps in this article focus on Gmail users. However, the tricks here can easily be applied in other email apps, and most tools have a how-to for that on their website.

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How to Disable Auto Update Functionality of Secure Access Client

This article describes how to control the auto upgrade or downgrade of the Secure Access Client when connecting to an Access Gateway Enterprise Edition appliance.

Each time the Virtual Private Network (VPN) client (Secure Access Client) connects to the logon point of Access Gateway Enterprise Edition appliance, the version information is exchanged. This ensures that updates to the appliance firmware are automatically sent to each client. In certain scenarios, such as when troubleshooting an issue with technical support, there might arise a need to temporarily disable the auto-update functionality to isolate the issue.

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What Is Data Analysis and Why Is It Important?

The world is becoming more and more data-driven, with endless amounts of data available to work with. Big companies like Google and Microsoft use data to make decisions, but they’re not the only ones.

Is it important? Absolutely!

Data analysis is used by small businesses, retail companies, in medicine, and even in the world of sports. It’s a universal language and more important than ever before. It seems like an advanced concept but data analysis is really just a few ideas put into practice.

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How to Jump Start a Dead Laptop Battery: 3 Methods Compared

Laptop batteries have a notoriously short shelf life. Despite recent improvements to lithium-ion technology, most batteries can only withstand a certain number of charge cycles before their capacity starts to deteriorate rapidly.

Of course, there are a few steps you can take to combat this (optimize Windows 10 for battery life or improve battery life on Macs). But none of that will help if your battery is already dead.

So is it possible to jump-start a dead laptop battery? Well, yes. We look at three different methods and give each one a score out of 10 for ease and effectiveness.

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