How to Do an SMC and PRAM/NVRAM Reset on Your Mac

Sometimes your Mac might act strangely for no apparent reason: lights won’t work correctly, volume settings are messed up, the display resolution will change, or maybe your Mac won’t boot at all.

You can solve some problems by closing all your apps and trying to restart the computer. Sometimes, though, you’ll need to reset the SMC, and PRAM or NVRAM. Let’s take a look at how to do each of them.

What Is the SMC in a Mac?

The system management controller—or SMC—is a chip in Intel-based Macs. It’s involved in running a lot of the physical parts of the machine, including LED indicators, keyboards and other peripherals, cooling fans, and power buttons. It also plays a role in the behavior of your hard drive, how your Mac behaves in sleep mode, and the power supply.

When Should You Reset SMC?

SMC is responsible for so many functions in a Mac that it’s worth resetting whenever you find your computer’s hardware acting in unexpected ways. Here’s a list of the main symptoms that you need to reset the SMC:

  • The battery or status lights behave strangely
  • The keyboard backlight doesn’t work properly
  • Your MacBook doesn’t turn on when you open it
  • The power adapter light doesn’t reflect what it’s doing
  • The fan is running at an abnormally high rate, especially under low load
  • The trackpad doesn’t work
  • Your computer won’t connect to Wi-Fi
  • Target display mode switches on or off unexpectedly
  • App icons bounce for an extended period of time when opening
  • Your computer runs slowly, even under low CPU load
  • Your computer shuts down slowly

Resetting the SMC is also one of the recommended solutions for when your Mac won’t boot.

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Redare filme uhd blu-ray cu MPC-HC

Redare filme uhd blu-ray cu MPC-HC+madvr si lav filters pe PC (monitor) sau TV prin hdmi

Daca aveti deja un TV UHD cu HDR si un hdd extern, nu e nevoie sa va mai folositi de tutorialul acesta. Doar bagati discul blu-ray/remux-ul pe hdd si conectati hdd-ul la tv.
Tutorialul e folositor daca aveti de exemplu un TV UHD fara HDR (sunt unele serii putin mai vechi de pe cand nu existau tv-uri cu HDR).TV-urile cu rezolutie uhd care se fabrica acum vin toate si cu HDR.
Pe un TV UHD fara HDR o sa vedeti culorile sterse. Din cauza asta aveti nevoie de mpc-hc, lav filters si madvr. MadVR o sa converteasca culorile HDR (high dynamic range) in SDR (standard dynamic range).
SDR este standard-ul pe care il aveti deja la orice monitor/tv. Nu o sa arate la fel de bine ca HDR-ul, dar daca va faceti setarile corecte la madvr, culorile vor arata decent.

Am testat doar pe windows 10. Nu garantez ca functioneaza si pe celelalte.
Sistemul pe care am testat: OS:Windows 10 pro 64bits (pe alt windows mai vechi mi se pare ca nu puteti vedea hdr-ul, in caz ca aveti monitor/tv cu hdr.)
CPU: i5 3570k (e destul de irelevant pentru ca placa video o vom folosi pentru decoding)
RAM: 8gb 1333mhz
GPU: gtx 1050ti 4gb vram (obligatoriu minim seria 1000 de la nvidia. Am testat pe gtx 1050ti si functioneaza, seriile mai vechi nu au full suport pentru decoding hevc)

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How to Establish Remote Desktop Access to Ubuntu From Windows

You’re in one room, sitting in front of a PC; the data you want is in another, on a computer running Ubuntu. If both computers are in the same house, no problem; but what if they’re in the same office block? It might be a bit of a walk!

The answer, therefore, is setting up a remote desktop connection. Two good remote desktop options are available for Windows users to access Ubuntu.

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