Puzzle Game in Java with Source Code: We can develop Puzzle Game in java with the help of AWT
[mai mult...]How to find out if SMBv2 is enabled on your PC
SMB version 2 should be enabled by default on your Windows 10 installation.
[mai mult...]How to activate your home button on iPhone
How to Add Touchscreen Home Button on iPhone
[mai mult...]Subprograme C++
Subprogramele reprezinta functii definite de catre utilizator. Ele sunt identificate prin nume si pot fi apelate in interoriul unui program.
[mai mult...]Bubble Sort In C++
Bubble Sort is the simplest of the sorting techniques.
In the bubble sort technique, each of the elements in the list is compared to its adjacent element. Thus if there are n elements in list A, then A[0] is compared to A[1], A[1] is compared to A[2] and so on. After comparing if the first element is greater than the second, the two elements are swapped then.
Bubble Sort Technique
Using the bubble sort technique, sorting is done in passes or iteration. Thus at the end of each iteration, the heaviest element is placed at its proper place in the list. In other words, the largest element in the list bubbles up.
[mai mult...]Cum se converteste un fisier ASP intr-un fisier PDF
Ce aveți nevoie pentru a converti un fișier ASP într-un fișier PDF sau modul în care puteți crea o versiune PDF din ASP fișier.
[mai mult...]What is a TMP file and how do I open it?
A TMP file is a temporary file created automatically by a software program that usually serves as a backup or cache file. It is sometimes created as an invisible file and is often deleted when the program is closed. TMP files may also be created to contain information temporarily while a new file is being generated.
[mai mult...]How to Open XPS Files on Windows
This teaches you how to open an XPS file on your Windows computer.
[mai mult...]Program for Pinball Game
In this, a ball is moving starting from middle and goes to up-left in starting. But, then it collides with wall and changes direction but speed remain same. Consequently, it comes to downward direction where it should be catched on a rectangle (which is capable of moving in horizontal direction) in order to continue.
[mai mult...]C/C++ program to shutdown a system
How to shutdown your computer in Linux and/or Windows?
The idea is to use system() in C. This function is used to invoke operating system commands from C program.
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