How to fix PS5 green screen of death?

Solution 1: Try Another HDMI Port

Generally, a PS5 console can be connected to a TV via an HDMI cable. However, an improper HDMI connection is one of the most common reasons for the PS5 green screen of death. To troubleshoot the problem, you can try to use a different HDMI port on your TV.

According to Sony, PS5 can work with any HDMI. For better performance, it is recommended to use HDMI 2.1. However, if your TV doesn’t support HDMI 2.1, you might need to try an HDMI 1.4 port. After changing the HDMI port, you can restart your PS5 and check whether the PS5 green screen of death is fixed. If it appears again, you should move on to the next solution.

Solution 2: Disable HDR on Your TV

If you are using the HDR or any gaming mode on your TV, please disable them. Some users have fixed the PS5 green screen after disabling them. It is easy to operate and you should also have a try.

Solution 3: Get Out of Rest Mode

Similar to PS4, PS5 is built with a Rest Mode that enables you to wake up the PS5 console in seconds. However, this mode can cause crashing issues sometimes. Unfortunately, PS5 hasn’t released any solutions to the problem. Therefore, you’d better disable the Rest Mode while playing the console.

To disable PS5 Rest Mode, you can go to Settings > System > Power Saving > Set Time Until PS5 Enters Rest Mode. Then select Don’t Put in Rest Mode. If you cannot access PS5 settings due to the PS5 green screen of death, you can continue with the next solution.

Solution 4: Check for TV Issues

If your TV doesn’t work properly, you could also encounter the green screen on PS5. To troubleshoot the problem, you can try to connect your PS5 to another TV. If the green screen doesn’t appear, it indicates your TV is the reason why you encounter the problem.

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How to change PS5 console resolution

Your PS5™ console detects the capabilities of your TV and automatically selects the best available resolution. You can change your resolution using the PS5 console video output settings.

  1. Go to Settings Screen and Video.
  2. Select Video Output.
    From here you can view your Current Video Output Information or change your video output settings.

How to adjust the display area on PS5 consoles

If the picture on your TV screen looks cut off around the edges, or if you see a black border around the picture, try adjusting the display area:

  1. Go to Settings Screen and Video Screen
  2.  Select Adjust Display Area
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
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Nvidia DLSS 3.5

Nvidia DLSS 3.5 makes your games even more beautiful, immersive and realistic with the introduction of Ray Reconstruction, a new AI-powered technique that further enhances the quality of ray tracing. And in apps, ray-traced previews and viewports are greatly improved, enabling creators to better visualize the final result before time-consuming renders.

DLSS 3.5 is available for all GeForce RTX and NVIDIA RTX users.

In other DLSS news, Lies of PParty AnimalsWarhaven and Witchfire are all launching this week with day-one DLSS support, and gamers can check out an open beta for The First Descendant, an upcoming DLSS 3-accelerated game.

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How to reset a PS5

If you just want to wipe your PS5 entirely, you can follow the steps in this section. Note that using this method will erase everything on your console, including user data and saves.

Step 1: Navigate to the Settings menu (gear icon)

Step 2: Select System

Step 4: Select Reset options

Step 5: Select Reset your console

Step 6: Select Reset

After a few minutes, your PS5 will automatically reset itself and boot into the standard setup screen. If you’re selling or trading in your console, you can stop here. If you’re resetting for troubleshooting or anything else, proceed through the setup as normal.

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How to install and move games to M.2 SSD storage on a PS5 console

You can download games from PlayStatio Store to your M.2 SSD. Go to the home screen and select Settings > Storage Installation Location to set this up.

To move games and apps already installed on your console storage:

  1. Go to your games home and select Game Library.
  2. Highlight the data you want to move, press the Options button, and then select Move Games and Apps.
    When you’re using both an M.2 SSD and a USB extended storage drive, go to the Movable to M.2 SSD Storage tab.
  3. Select the checkboxes for any other games and apps you want to move and select Move.

To check your storage space and to move or delete data on your M.2 SSD, go to the home screen and select Settings Storage M.2 SSD Storage.

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The Elements of a Windows Event Log

Windows event log provides information about hardware and software events occurring on a Windows operating system. It helps network administrators track potential threats and problems potentially degrading performance. Windows stores event logs in a standard format allowing a clear understanding of the information. Following are the main elements of an event log:

  • Log name: Name of the event log to which events from different logging components will be written. Events are commonly logged for system, security, and applications.
  • Event date/time: Includes the date and time when the event occurred.
  • Task category: Identifies the type of recorded event log. Application developers can also define task categories to serve as extra information about the event.
  • Event ID: This Windows identification number helps network administrators uniquely identify a specific logged event.
  • Source: Name of the program or software causing the event log.
  • Level: Event level represents the severity of the recorded event log. These include information, error, verbose, warning, and critical.
  • User: Name of the user who logged onto the Windows computer when the event occurred.
  • Computer: Name of the computer logging the event.
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How to check and view Windows Event logs

Windows event log location is C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\ folder. Event logs can be checked with the help of ‘Event Viewer’ to keep track of issues in the system:

  • Press the Windows key + R on your keyboard to open the run window
  • In the run dialog box, type in eventvwr and click OK
  • In the Event Viewer window, expand the Windows Logs menu
  • Under the Windows Logs menu, you’ll notice different categories of event logs—application, security, setup, system, and forwarded events
  • Click on one of the event logs to check and view the events recorded under it.
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Ce inseamna PCI Express

PCI Express (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) E slotul (sau sloturile) de pe placa de baza unde se conecteaza placile video.
  • PCI Express e mult, mult mai rapid decat vechiile PCI si AGP
  • Latimea de banda e mult mai larga decat la cele din urma
  • Are mai multe benzi de circulatie prin care trimite si primeste datrele, iar o singura banda PCI Express e mult mai rapida decat una AGP sau PCI
  • Se conecteaza direct la northbridge (PCI se conecta la southbridge ). Da, si AGP se conecta la northbridge, dar nu avea atatea lane-uri, “benzi de circulatie” a datelor ca si PCI Express, iar cele pe care le avea erau mult mai lente.
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Ce inseamna Hyper-Threading


In primul rand Hyper-Threading (HT) e facut de Intel si se foloseste numai la procesoarele Intel. Cu tehnologia aceasta, daca ai un singur procesor, sistemul de operare vede ca si cum ai avea doua sau unul dual-core. Si astfel, mai multe procese pot sa ruleze deodata.

Procesorul single-core schimba atat de repede intre ele incat ai impresia ca merg deodata. De exemplu, daca asculti o melodie in Winamp in timp ce stai pe Facebook, acestea nu se intampla deodata, ci procesorul schimba extrem de repede intre ele, si in timp psihologic, uman, nu iti dai seama.

Hyper-Threading e o tehnologie care poate sa “imparta” procesorul in mai multe fire de executie (thread inseamna fir) incat sa ruleze pe bune deodata. De cand cu procesoarele dual-core, nu  mai e  nevoie de aceasta tehnologie, pentru ca, evident, chiar sunt doua cipuri reale intr-o capsula.

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Ce inseamna Northbridge

Northbrige (puntea de nord) este acel cip de pe placa de baza care face legatura intre procesor, RAM si southbridge. De aceea i se spune bridge, pentru ca-i o punte care face legatura intre aceste componente. E cel mai important cip de pe placa de baza, dupa procesor. E “directorul” placii de baza (procesorul fiind seful executiv).

Northbrige-ul controleaza:

  • memoria RAM
  • sloturile PCI Express
  • slotul M2
  • vechiul slot AGP (il controla)
  • cererile dinspre si inspre procesor
  • legatura cu southbridge
  • contine controler-ul video onboard (“placa video” onboard), daca e dotat cu asa ceva.

Sub acel radiator se afla cipul Northbridge.

Nortbridge-ul mai este denumit si MCH (Memory Controller Hub – hubul controllerului de memorie) pentru ca acesta controleaza memoria RAM. Cand procesorul apeleaza la RAM, Northbridge-ul ii spune cat RAM are instalat, la ce adresa din memorie se gaseste fisierul respectiv, cata memorie ocupa… etc. Acesta are un tabel virtual care contine adresele din memoria RAM si detalii despre capacitatea memoriei.

Fara acest cip procesorul sau BIOS-ul nu ar sti cum sa lucreze cu memoria. De asemenea, la fel se “intelege” si cu placa video (sloturile PCI Express).Northbridge-ul se leaga de procesor prin FSB (Front Side Bus – canalul principal frontal)
Inainte, prin ani 90, erau mai multe cipuri pe placa de baza care indeplineau functiile pe care le indeplineste acum northbridge-ul, insa cu timpul toate acestea au fost incluse in doar trei chip-uri: northbridge, southbridge si super I/O.

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