Oracle Database: steps to rename the cluster name (GI)
Step to rename the Cluster name:
1. Run as root “$GI_HOME/bin/crsrename cluster <new_clustername>” on any node in the cluster
2. Stop the stack on all nodes
crsctl stop crs
3. Start the stack on all nodes
crsctl start crs -wait
4. Review the new name
olsnodes -c
Cum construim un colaj foto rapid
Suntem in situatia in care vrem sa impartasim cateva sute de poze din ultima noastra vacanta cu prietenii, nu trebuie sa ii chinuim cu o sesiune nesfarsita de rasfoire foto. Putem folosi in schimb un format video cu acestea. Pentru asta putem folosi aplicatia PhotoFilmStrip.
Pentru cei carora le place sa adauge o nota personala, PhotoFilmStrip ofera si posibilitatea de a adauga filtre si efecte speciale (zoom si pan, alb-negru, sepia, etc).
Zabbix: why choose Zabbix for monitoring
Zabbix is an open-source, enterprise-level monitoring software designed for monitoring networks, servers, virtual machines, and cloud environments. It’s a highly versatile and feature-rich platform, gaining popularity for its comprehensive set of monitoring features, ease of integration, and scalability.
[mai mult...]How to use FortiPAM
To use FortiPAM (Fortinet Privileged Access Management), you need to follow a series of steps to set up, configure, and manage privileged access securely within your organization.
[mai mult...]What is FortiPAM
FortiPAM (Fortinet Privileged Access Management) is a solution designed to manage, monitor, and secure privileged access to critical systems, networks, and applications. It’s part of Fortinet’s broader suite of cybersecurity products, aiming to protect organizations from insider threats, data breaches, and unauthorized access to sensitive resources.
[mai mult...]