
What are Notes in Outlook and How Do You Use Them?

Microsoft Outlook lets you create electronic sticky notes that you can display either in Outlook or right on your desktop, letting you get all those real sticky notes off your desk.

Before we start, let’s take a moment to remember that writing passwords down on Post-It notes, electronic or otherwise, is just plain bad. We’ve written about password security extensively over the years, so take a moment to pick a password manager and use it. One day you’ll thank us.


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Ce este Git si GitHub?

Git sau GitHub este din ce in ce mai utilizat si cerut de toti angajatorii.  Reprezinta un software ce te ajuta la versionarea codului tau. Spre exemplu, daca vrei sa construiesti pe baza a ceea ce ai lucrat pana acum sau sa aduci si alte persoane care sa contribuie la munca ta, nu poti tine codul pe calculatorul tau pentru ca va deveni dificil ca si altii sa acceseze si sa lucreze cu ceea ce tu ai facut pana la momentul respectiv.

Creatorul Linux, pe numele lui Linus Torvalds, este cel care s-a gandit la o metoda de versionare a codului, in momentul in care a considerat ca este nevoie ca mai multi programatori sa lucreze la versiunea sa de Linux.

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Learn How to Report a Message as Spam to Yahoo Mail

Yahoo! Mail has spam filters, so most unsolicited messages are placed in the Spam folder automatically. Even so, once in a while spam makes it to your Yahoo! Mail inbox. This may be annoying, but it is your chance to improve the Yahoo! Mail spam filters.

If you report the spam to Yahoo! Mail, the company modifies its filters to catch that particular type of spam in the future.

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