
Cum dezactivam Windows Updates

Ne aflam in situatia in care avem un sistem de tip 2 in 1 (Tableta/TransformerBook), iar aceasta are un spatiu de stocare intre 32/64GB.
Din pricina acestui lucru, sistemul nu poate realiza cele mai noi update-uri intrucat sunt extrem de voluminoase si duc la ingreunarea sistemului sau la generarea unor erori multiple.

In cazul Windows 10, serviciul de update este unul foarte agresiv (cu scopul mentinerii unei versiuni updatate si sigure a sistemului), uneori, pornind update-ul in background, fara stirea utilizatorului si ingreunand sistemul/generand diverse erori.

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Eroare Update Windows 7

Ne aflam in situatia in care incercam sa facem Update la versiunea actuala de Windows 7 dar suntem impiedicati de diverse erori cauzate de fisiere corupte ale sistemului sau a unor update-uri precedente.

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Enable or Disable Fast User Switching in Windows 10

If you are someone who needs to change user accounts on your computer several times a day, it might become irritating. This is because both accounts have running programs or applications, as well as resources assigned to them. This makes the process very slow. Additionally, if your computer already has poor performance, it kills the user’s fluid flow. Today, we will check how this user switching task will become faster with a few minor changes on Windows 10.

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How to disable Automatic Restart on System Failure in Windows 10

When a critical error is encountered by the Windows operating system, the system throws a blue death screen (BSOD). This blue death screen then throws the error code into the lower left region and then restarts the computer. This error is caused mainly by the fact that some internal system processes or files have ceased to function as expected. Sometimes files from DLLs or dynamic link files have malfunctioned, or any critical process inside the system has caused an error. Well, in this case, often the task the user is currently doing is left behind and forced by the system. This involves a greater loss of work that the user did not save on their computer. Therefore, to disable this, you must disable Automatic Restart.

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