
Detecteaza si sterge fisierele duplicate cu Duplicate Cleaner Pro

Daca sunteti in cautarea unui software bun pentru detectarea si stergerea fisierelor duplicate, cea mai buna alegere ar fi Duplicate Cleaner Pro. Acest software nu este gratuit, dar oferă o încercare gratuită pe care o puteți folosi pentru a testa dacă vă place. Programul are o interfata foarte prietenoasa si este foarte simplu de folosit.

In imaginea de mai jos se poate vedea cum alegem crieteriul de cautare:

In aceasta imagine se poate vedea cum s-au detectat 344 de fisiere duplicate cu spatiu de 598 MB.In acest pas putem selecta fisierele nedorite si sa incepem stergerea lor.

Pentru cine doreste sa-l descarce se poate downloada de aici :

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Fix “Your Windows License Will Expire Soon” Error on Windows 10

Installing Windows 10 is easy as all you have to do is to buy the official OS and to apply the same on your machine. Then, getting the Windows 10 update will be free as the firmware can be downloaded from Windows Store or through Microsoft’s servers right on your device by using your Windows 10 product key.

Even though Windows 10 is a free update that can be installed by anyone who has a device that is powered by Windows 8 system, in many situations users reported the following alert: Your Windows License will expire soon; you need to activate Windows in PC settings.

Anyway, if you are experiencing the Your Windows License Will Expire Soon alert on Windows 10, let’s see how to address this issue, or how to try to resolve this license problem.

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