
Vmware ESXi 53 Solutii

Hyper-V 22 Solutii

How to install an ESXi 6.5

You might want to know the other methods for installing ESXi 6.5. Where can you install ESXi 6.5 – to the local disk or elsewhere? In fact, there are five different ways to install and deploy VMware ESXi 6.5:

  1. Installation to a USB stick – the server boots from the USB stick;
  2. Installation to the local SATA/SAS or FC drive (RAID1);
  3. Installation to an SD flash card (certain hardware manufacturers provide a mirrored “double” slot);
  4. Boot from LUN via a hardware iSCSI card, FC or FCoE (fiber channel over Ethernet);
  5. Stateless booting via VMware auto-deployment.

What do you need? Basically, two things:

  • A hardware device that is on the VMware hardware compatibility list (HCL)
  • An ESXi installation ISO, which you can download from the VMware website, and which you’ll burn to a CD-ROM
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Virtual Memory Too Low

Este o alta eroare obisnuita care se intalneste. De obicei apare atunci cand aveti o cantitate insuficienta de memorie RAM sau o aplicatie care consuma multa memorie ram. Computerul folosește moduri inteligente pentru a face față programelor, este prevăzut cu memorie reala sau cu ceva numit memorie virtuala, care este, în esență, memoria hard-disk folosită în locul memoriei fizice.

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CBT pentru servere Hyper-V

Folosesti o solutie Veeam Backup and Replication pentru a face backup la masinile virtuale aflate atat pe clustere de Hyper-V cat si pe cluster de VMWare.

Atunci cand faci backup la masinile virtuale aflate pe hosturile Hyper-V acestea dau failed si eroare de CBT (Changed block tracking)

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