How to increase Java memory limits – Windows

Configurare noua (How To)



  1. Navigate to the tomcat/bin/app folder in the Chronicall/ACR directory
    • Default locations
      • C:\Program Files (x86)\Xima Software\Chronicall\bin\app
      • C:\Program Files\Chronicall\bin\app
      • C:\Program Files\Avaya Call Reporting\bin\app
  2. Right-click and run ChronicallServerw.exe as an Administrator
  3. Click the Java tab
    • Java’s “Initial memory pool” and “Maximum memory pool” are listed at the bottom
      • We always leave the Initial memory pool to its default value
      • Most new installs will default to Maximum memory pool of 384, and this can be increased, and is recommended to increase it in multiples of 1024 (1024, 2048, 3072, 4096, etc)
    • NOTE: 32-bit versions of Chronicall (Shoretel/Mitel and 32 bit Chronicall installs) have a “Maximum memory pool” value of 1024 MB
    • Newer_Java_Tab.png
  4. Adjust your “Maximum memory pool” up to the amount you need.  It is recommended that you add RAM in multiples of 1024 MB.  So if you have 2 GB free on the server, you could set your Maximum memory pool to 2048 (2 x 1024)
    • Make sure your server has the available RAM resources before making this change.  You don’t want to tell Chronicall to use more RAM than the server has available
  5. You will need to restart Chronicall\ACR before your changes will take effect

Chronicall 3.9.4 and earlier


  1. Navigate to the tomcat/bin folder in the Chronicall directory
    • Default location
      • C:\Program Files (x86)\Xima Software\Chronicall\tomcat\bin\
  2. Right-click and run chronicallw.exe or ChronicallServerw.exe as an Administrator
  3. Click the Java tab
    • Java’s “Initial memory pool” and “Maximum memory pool” are listed at the bottom
    • NOTE: 32-bit Chronicall/Java has a “Maximum memory pool” value of 1024 MB
  4. Adjust your “Maximum memory pool” up to the amount you need
    • Make sure your server has the available RAM resources before making this change
  5. You will need to restart Chronicall before your changes will take effect

Web Client (Windows)

If you experience performance issues while using the Chronicall Web client, you may be able to solve them by allowing Java to use more RAM.

  1. Navigate to Java in the Control Panel menu of Windows
  2. Under the Java tab, click “View…”
  3. Java_View.png
  4. This will open the Java Runtime Environment Settings window
    • Your current version of Java will be listed in the “Product” column
  5. Double-click the “Runtime Parameters” field and enter:
    •  -Xmx400m
      • NOTE: You can replace 400 with the number of megabytes you want Java to be able to use.
    • Make sure your computer has the available RAM resources before making this change
  6. Click “OK” to save your changes
  7. Before your changes will take effect, you will need to restart your web browser.

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