Create a New Active Directory User Account with Password

Configurare noua (How To)



Accounts are created with the following default properties:

  • Account is created in the “Users” container.
  • Account is disabled.
  • Account is a member of Domain Users group.
  • No password is set.
  • User must reset the password at the first logon.

Therefore, to make a new account that’s actually usable, we need to enable it using the Enable-ADAccount cmdlet and give it a password using the Set-ADAccountPassword cmdlet.

So let’s create a new account with the following attributes:

  • Name – Jack Robinson
  • Given Name – Jack
  • Surname – Robinson
  • Account Name – J.Robinson
  • User Principal Name –
  • Path address – “OU=Managers,DC=enterprise,DC=com”
  • Password Input
  • Status – Enabled

Here’s the script we’ll use:

New-ADUser -Name "Jack Robinson" -GivenName "Jack" -Surname "Robinson" -SamAccountName "J.Robinson" -UserPrincipalName "" -Path "OU=Managers,DC=enterprise,DC=com" -AccountPassword(Read-Host -AsSecureString "Input Password") -Enabled $true

The Read-Host parameter will ask you to input new password. Note that the password should meet the length, complexity and history requirements of your domain security policy.

Now let’s take a look at the results by running the following cmdlet:

Get-ADUser J.Robinson -Properties CanonicalName, Enabled, GivenName, Surname, Name, UserPrincipalName, samAccountName, whenCreated, PasswordLastSet  | Select CanonicalName, Enabled, GivenName, Surname, Name, UserPrincipalName, samAccountName, whenCreated, PasswordLastSet

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