DNS functionality issues

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Internet is these days is a necessity, and when you open your internet browser and encounter the following error: ” The web page is not available ” is a unpleasing.


You are not able to access any webpage.


There can be various reasons why you can’t access the internet, but there is a easy way to find out if you have a DNS problem.What you need to do is to enter an ip address of a web page. If you succesfully opened that web page, then you have a DNS problem, because you connected directly to the server corresponding to that IP address. Basically, if you can access a webpage by its ip address, but not by its DNS name, then you have a DNS problem.

  • Now first thing to look is to see if I have a misconfiguration. For that, you must open up a command prompt and type ipconfig /all
  • If you are connected to wierless you must look at Wierless LAN adapter Wi-Fi section, and there at your DNS Server ip address. If you know the ip address of your DNS server, and you see that is not the one shown in the command, then you must go to your Network Connections > properties.
  • There serch for “TCP/IPv4” and select properties.
  • There, if “Use the following DNS server addresses” is enabled, then a ip address was typed manually, and it can be typed wrong from time to time.
  • If you enable the ” Obtain DNS server address automatically”, and type again in command prompt, the ipconfig /all command, you will see that your ip address of the DNS server has been change.
  • There are 2, the first is the preferred DNS server, but if it fails, it will automatically try the second one. Now if you open another tab you will see it works properly. At the “Alternate DNS server” it is recommended to type a DNS server that will never fail, like: or which are Google DNS servers.
  • If you want to check a DNS server to see if it works, you can again open a command prompt and use the nslookup command.

After the nslookup command, you will se your preferred DNS server. After if you type any server, for example “server” it will result back as a good DNS server. If you type a bad one for example: “server”, the name couldn’t resolve in this case.

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