Pasi de urmat
1. First of all, run the antivirus in deep scan mode on your computer and wait for the virus scan procedure to finish. If problems are detected as a result, treat or quarantine them.
2. Now, let’s go to the menu “Control Panel” and set the display mode to … “Little icons”. and open the section “Programs and components”.
3. In the window that opens, look for programs related to Yandex and and carry out their removal. Any suspicious programs must also be uninstalled from the computer.
4. Now open Google Chrome, click on the browser menu button in the upper right corner and go to “Settings”.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Show advanced settings”.
6. Going down back to the bottom of the page and on the block “Reset settings”. select the button “Reset settings”.
7. Confirm your intention to remove all settings by clicking the button “Reset”. Check the success of the actions taken when trying to change the default search engine.
8. If the previous steps did not give the appropriate result, let’s try to slightly modify the Windows registry. To do this, open the “Run” window with the key combination Win + R and in the window that appears, insert the command “Regedit” (without quotation marks).
9. The screen will display the log and ask you to navigate to the following branch:
10 After opening the correct branch, we will have to edit the two parameters that are responsible for causing the error “This parameter is enabled by the administrator”.
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