Fix VCRUNTIME140.DLL is Missing Error on Windows

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VCRUNTIME140.DLL is missing from your computer (alternatively: VCRUNTIME140.DLL was not found) is an error that typically appears after an attempt to launch a specific program. The message informs about a missing or corrupted Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable file. This .DLL file is essential when starting programs like WAMP, Skype, GTA or others. The system error pop-up usually suggests reinstalling the program to fix the issue, however, the issue can be solved in easier ways.


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Repair Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable

Before you try any other method, first try to repair Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable to fix VCRUNTIME140.DLL was not found error on Windows 7 or 10. Follow the steps given below.

  • Press Windows key + R to launch Run window and type control panel here. Press Enter.
  • In Control Panel, navigate to Programs & Features.
  • Here, find Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable and right-click on it, then choose Change.
  • In the next pop-up, choose Repair.
  • When UAC pop-up appears, agree by clicking Yes.
  • Wait patiently until you get Setup Successful message. Click Close to finish.
  • Try launching the software that caused the issue again to see if the error is gone.

steps to repair microsoft visual c++ 2015 redistributable

Unregister and re-register VCRUNTIME140.DLL file

This easy and automated method can help to solve the issue in seconds. Follow these steps:

  • Launch Command prompt as administrator first. Type cmd in Windows search, then right-click on the corresponding result and choose Run as Administrator.
  • In UAC, press Yes.
  • Unregister the file by typing the following line (put a space before and after /u) and press Enter.
    regsvr32 /u VCRUNTIME140.dll
  • Now, re-register file by entering the following command:
    regsvr32 VCRUNTIME140.dll

re-register vcruntime140.dll

Run System File Checker

System File Checker can repair missing or corrupted system files, and therefore solve the missing .dll file problem. It is a quick and easy method.

  • Open Windows search and type CMD. Right-click the Command Prompt result and choose Run as Administrator. In UAC, choose Yes.

search and open cmd as admin

In CMD, type sfc /scannow and press Enter to start the procedure.

run sfc scannow

Wait patiently until the system scan is finished and check if the problem persists.

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