Guide to storing images on Azure

Configurare noua (How To)


Azure provides multiple ways to store images, such as Azure Blob Storage, Azure Files, and Azure Disks. The most common and cost-effective way to store and retrieve images is Azure Blob Storage.


1. Sign in to Azure Portal

  1. Go to the Azure Portal
  2. Sign in with your Microsoft Azure account.

2. Create an Azure Storage Account

  1. In the Azure Portal, search for Storage Accounts
  2. Click + Create
  3. Fill in the details:
    • Subscription: Select your Azure subscription
    • Resource Group: Select an existing one or create a new one
    • Storage Account Name: Choose a unique name (e.g., myimagestorage)
    • Region: Select a region close to your users
    • Performance: Choose Standard (cost-effective) or Premium (high-speed)
    • Replication: Select Locally Redundant Storage (LRS) (cheapest) or another redundancy option.
  4. Click Review + Create, then Create.

3. Create a Blob Container

  1. Once your storage account is deployed, go to Storage Accounts
  2. Click on your newly created storage account
  3. Under Data Storage, select Containers
  4. Click + Container
  5. Enter a Container Name (e.g., images)
  6. Set Public Access Level:
    • Private (default) – No public access
    • Blob – Public read access for blobs only
    • Container – Public read access for everything.
  7. Click Create.

4. Upload an Image to Blob Storage

Via Azure Portal

  1. Go to your Storage AccountContainersimages
  2. Click Upload
  3. Select an image file from your computer
  4. Click Upload.

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