How to capture portions of your screen

Configurare noua (How To)


If you’d rather be a little more precise with your screenshots, Windows 10 has a couple tools that can help you. Microsoft has rolled out this app called Snip & Sketch, replacing the old Snipping Tool, and it allows you to take screenshots in several different ways, as well as edit and annotate those screenshots.

Snip & Sketch gives you the option to take screenshots now or in a few seconds, if you need some time to prepare. Additionally, it will allow you to edit, crop and annotate existing screenshots, even the ones you haven’t taken with the app. To run the Snip & Sketch app, simply type “Snip & Sketch” into the Windows 10 search bar to find the app and launch it.


Pasi de urmat

1. Taking a screenshot of a specific area
To take a screenshot of a section of the screen you want to capture, click “New” and select when you’d like to take the screenshot. If you select “Snip now,” your screen should darken and your mouse cursor should turn into a crosshair. Simply position your mouse to the corner of the area you’d like to capture, click it, hold and drag until the entire area is selected then let go.

As with the first screenshotting technique we went over, this method captures the screenshot and adds it to your clipboard. Snip & Sketch will also immediately display your new screenshot inside the app. There, you can edit your new screenshot, annotate it and save it as a file.

2. Taking a screenshot freeform
You can also draw a freeform capture space. To do this, click “New” and select the Freeform option from the buttons at the top of the capture screen. Much like the step above, simply position your mouse to the corner of the area you’d like to capture, click it, hold and drag until the entire area is selected then let go.

This method also adds your screenshot to your clipboard and displays it on the Snip & Sketch app.

3. Taking a screenshot of a Window
The Snip & Sketch app also allows you to quickly take a screenshot of a specific window, even the non-active ones. To do so, click “New” and select the Windows Snip option from the toolbar at the top. If you have several windows open, simply highlight the window you’d like to capture with your mouse pointer and click.

Bear in mind that if you’ve got cascading or stacked windows, you can still highlight and select a window behind the first one to take a screenshot of it. However, unlike on a Mac, Windows 10 doesn’t actually take a screenshot of it as how it would look if it was the active window. Instead, it also captures the portion of the active window that’s obstructing it, resulting in a funky looking screen capture.

Before using this tool, make sure that the window you’d like to capture is unobstructed for a more successful screenshot.

4. Snip & Sketch shortcut
If you’d like to take an extra quick screenshot with Snip & Sketch, some more recent versions of Windows 10 (Creators Update and later) use the keyboard shortcut Shift + Windows Key + S to jump right into capture mode.

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