How to Delete Your Cash App Account and Transaction History

Configurare noua (How To)


If you’re looking to delete your Cash App transaction history, there’s no in-app way to do this. If you want to truly delete your transaction history for good, you’ll need to completely delete your Cash App account.


Before you hurry off to delete your Cash App account, there are a few things you should take note of first. To start, when you delete your account, it’s permanent. There’s no temporary deactivate option like you would find with many social media platforms out there.

When you delete your account, your #Cashtag, account history, and all accompanying account data are permanently deleted. You can always create a new account, but Cash App will look at this account as a completely different account. There’s a twist to this, though. The account history, at least for a certain amount of time, is only permanently deleted for you. Cash App states that, as a financial institution, they are legally required to maintain some of your transaction records and account information. Exactly what that information is, they don’t say.

Close Account statement.

Lastly, you may want to download your account history before you delete your Cash App just in case you need to refer to it in the future, as there is no way to retrieve this information once the account is gone.

You’ll need to access your Cash App account from a desktop browser to download your account history. Launch any browser of your choice, go to the Cash App website, and then log in to your account. Once logged in, click “Statements” in the top-right corner of your dashboard.

Click Statements.

Next, click “Export CSV” at the top of the drop-down menu that appears.

Click Export CSV.

Your account history will then be downloaded as a CSV file.

Permanently Delete Your Cash App Account

To download your account history, open the Cash App application on your iOS or Android device. Then, tap the “Profile Icon” in the top-right corner of the screen.

On the next screen, tap “Support.”

The Support option.

The next screen will display a short list of parent topics. Tap “Something Else” at the bottom of this list.

Tap Something Else.

A long list of child topics will appear. Tap “Account Settings” near the bottom of this list.

Tap Account Settings.

Yet another list of options will appear. On this list, tap “Close Your Cash App Account.”

The option to close your account.

A message will appear on the next screen stating what happens when you close your account. Read through everything and, if you’re sure you want to permanently delete your account, tap “Confirm.”

Confirm you want to delete your account.

Your account is now permanently deleted.

With your Cash App account deleted, your transaction history is as well. Don’t forget to delete the mobile app from your iPhone or from Android. Don’t stop there, though. If you have a PayPal account and want to get rid of your transaction history there, you’ll need to take a similar approach.

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