Signature mode works a bit differently. It examines file types, so it can only find deleted files of certain file types. To use Signature mode, you use /x
to specify Signature mode and /y:
to list the file type groups you’d like to search for.
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Here’s a list of supported file types and the groups they’re sorted into, taken from Microsoft’s documentation:
- ASF: wma, wmv, asf
- JPEG: jpg, jpeg, jpe, jif, jfif, jfi
- MP3: mp3
- MPEG: mpeg, mp4, mpg, m4a, m4v, m4b, m4r, mov, 3gp, qt
- PDF: pdf
- PNG: png
- ZIP: zip, docx, xlsx, pptx, odt, ods, odp, odg, odi, odf, odc, odm, ott, otg, otp, ots, otc, oti, otf, oth
Note that the “ZIP” group includes ZIP files in addition to Microsoft Office and OpenDocument documents.
You can pull up this list at any time by running the following command:
winfr /#
Let’s say you want to search drive E: for images in JPEG format and save them to drive D:. You’d run the following command:
winfr E: D: /x /y:JPEG
You can specify multiple file groups by separating them with a space. So, if you want to find JPEG files, PDFs, and Word documents, you’d run:
winfr E: D: /x /y:JPEG,PDF,ZIP
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