How to Screen Share a PowerPoint Presentation in Zoom

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No matter where you work, meetings all have one thing in common: PowerPoint presentations. If you use Zoom, you can easily present your slideshow to the participants by sharing your screen.


Grant Access to Share Screens in Zoom

If you’re the host of the Zoom meeting, you’ll be able to share your screen without issue. However, if you’re joining a meeting that you aren’t the host of, you may need to request permission from the host to be able to share your screen.

As a general rule, we recommend that hosts disable the screen-share feature for participants by default for security reasons. If you aren’t the host of the meeting, be sure to reach out to the host in advance to request permission to share your screen during the Zoom call. Hosts can always enable the feature during the call, but it’s always good to be a step ahead. If you’re the host of the meeting and someone is requesting permission to share their screen during the meeting, click the up arrow next to “Share Screen” at the bottom of the window.

In the menu that appears, click “Advanced Sharing Options.”

The “Advanced Sharing Options” window will appear. In the “Who Can Share” section, click the bubble next to “All Participants.”

All participants in the meeting can now share their screen.

Screen Share a PowerPoint Presentation in Zoom

To screen share your PowerPoint presentation, go ahead and open the PowerPoint presentation that you would like to present. However, before you put the presentation in Slide Show view, you’ll want to share your screen. At the bottom of the Zoom meeting window, click “Share Screen.”

If you’re using a single monitor, you will immediately start sharing your screen. If you’re using dual monitors, you’ll need to click the screen that your presentation will be shared on. In our case, that will be “Screen 2.”

To begin sharing that screen, click “Share” at the bottom-right corner of the screen select window.

You’re now sharing your screen. Now, in Microsoft PowerPoint, select the “Slide Show View” icon in the bottom-right corner of the application.

From here, deliver your presentation as though you were standing in front of a live audience. If you are giving a big presentation through Zoom, you’re not going to just jump straight into it. You may need to speak to the audience a bit before sharing your screen. If so, here are a few tips on how to look better on your Zoom call.

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