How to set up Dolphin Emulator to Play Wii and GameCube on Windows

Configurare noua (How To)



Dolphin has been around for quite some time. It’s a FOSS emulator, or free open-source software emulator. You can download the latest version from the Dolphin website, or compile it yourself from the source code.

There are two branches to choose from when downloading: the stable branch and the development branch. The stable branch is, well, stable. This will be the most “tested” version of the latest code to help alleviate any bugs or crashes, though those could still happen. The development branch is much more bleeding edge and could break at any time due to a simple missing semicolon in a code push to GitHub.

If you like to live life on the edge and try the latest features now, then go with the development branch. If you prefer stability, then stick with stable.

Once downloaded, Dolphin is essentially a self-contained application on Windows. You don’t have to move anything or let installers run to use it. Simply unzip the download and launch Dolphin.exe. The emulator will open right up.

You can set up a games directory anywhere on your hard drive. I chose to set my games directories up within the main Dolphin folder. I did this to keep everything neat and tidy so I wouldn’t have to try and go find where I put my games folder in the future.

What I did was make a folder called “Games” (sans quotes) at the root level of the folder. Then, under the Games folder, I made two sub-folders: Wii and GameCube. This isn’t necessary at all, and you could put all of your games in one folder. It just helps my brain to keep things separate so I know where to look if there’s something missing.

The games directory for Dolphin emulator showing a folder for Wii and GameCube games.

Once you have your folders made (either individually or as a single folder), click the “Config” button at the top of Dolphin.

Dolphin emulator's interface with games loaded and an arrow pointing to the config button.

Then, head on over to the “Paths” tab.

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