How to uninstall Xbox Game Bar

Configurare noua (How To)


For those who wish to get rid of the Xbox Game Bar, the following instructions will take you through the required steps in order to uninstall Xbox Game Bar.


Pasi de urmat
  • Press the Windows and I keys together to open the Settings window then click on the Gaming option.
  • On the left select Xbox Game bar, then click on the toggle button to turn it off. Afterwards close this window.

  • Click on the Windows key on the bottom left and write Apps & features then press Enter.
  • Once the Apps & features window opens, write in the search bar Xbox Game bar, after it shows up click on it then click on Advanced options.

Look for the Terminate button under the Terminate section and click on it.

  • Press the Windows and R keys together and type powershell in the run command box.

  • Press the Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys.
  • In the Powershell window enter the following line:

Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay | Remove-AppxPackage

  • After executing the command, Xbox Game bar will be removed and you may close the window.

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