Imprimanta HP – eroare certificat la scan to e-mail

Configurare noua (How To)


Cand folosim functia de scan to e-mail, primim urmatoarea eroare: The printer can not validate the server’s security certificate because the certificate is either self-signed or issued by an unknown authority. Import trusted CA (certificate authority) certificates into the printer to allow the printer to validate the certificate.


1. Aflam IP-ul imprimantei, acesta este afisat de obicei pe display-ul imprimantei sau folosim comanda netstat -r in CMD pentru a vedea dispozitivele conectate.
2. Tastam IP-ul intr-un browser web.
3. Click-ul pe tab-ul Scan, apoi Scan to e-mail.
4. Debifam Validate Server Certificate.
5. Confirmam cu Apply.


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