Inlocuire HDD la Lenovo B590 Data 13/06/2017 Autor Cristian F Categorie Hardware, Stații de lucru, Upgrade/schimbare componente -11 1030 Configurare noua (How To) SituatieIn cazul in care vrei sa inlocuiesti HDD-ul stricat sau vrei sa pui un SSD Solutie Pasi de urmat Scoateti bateria si desfaceti cele doua suruburi Impingeti in sus capacul si veti avea acces la componente Desfaceti surubul care tine laptopul si apoi il puteti scoate impingandu-l in sus Desfaceti rama metalica desuruband cele patru suruburi Apoi puteti pune noul HDD sau SSD. Urmati apoi pasii in sens invers. Tip solutiePermanent Etichetare: aski.roaskithddInlocuire HDDInlocuire HDD la Lenovo B590Lenovo B590ssd Voteaza Up Down (20 din 51 persoane apreciaza acest articol) ShareTweetShare Despre Autor Cristian F Solutii Asemanatoare How to change Google Chrome Theme in windows 11 2 Shortcut to open Action Center in Windows 11 -1 Shortcut open Action center in Windows 10 2 Shorcut view open apps in Windows 10 -2 Non-functional “usb” headphones *in certain ports 0 Adding images with adjustable transparency percentage in MS Office 0 Leave A Comment? × Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. three − two =
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